Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

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“So…they use the soul of the person they possessed as a…substitute? Until they get the rest of their soul back?” I frowned, trying to understand.

“Yeah,” he shuddered, “Anyways, once they die the person who had been possessed could die if the way they had been ‘killed’ was severe and they couldn’t survive through the treatment of fixing their wounds.”

“But I slashed right through your chest, your heart…” I took a shaky breath, his scent flying up my nose, seeming much stronger than before. I frowned, my hand going up to his chest, tracing the scars I made on it thoughtfully for a moment before I looked up, head snapping up, “You Changed.”

He smiled wryly, flashing his fangs, “Yeah. And it hurt like hell.”

“But how did you Change…? Caleb was in control so how…?” I sat back on my butt, struggling to understand all of this information I was getting and was sure I was going to continue to receive.

“Like I said we share thoughts…while he’s in control I could see through his eyes, hear what he hears and know what he’s thinking but I can’t feel anything. But I knew what was going on,” he shuddered again, fists clenching, “It was like watching a movie only it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable.”

“When I saw what he was doing to you last night, all those lies he told you, how much in pain you seemed, hearing you scream and seeing you bleed and how much he enjoyed it…” he shook his head, jaw tight, “I just got so mad that I couldn’t do anything to stop it, to help you and since I still had some little control over my body I started to Change just as you were coming to after you finished Changing.”

“That’s why Caleb was screaming, you shared the pain of Changing,” I murmured thoughtfully.

“Yeah, that was definitely an upside; at least I put him through some hell before he left,” he said, chuckling darkly as he relaxed again.

“And what about last night? You said you were mad at him for this and what he was going to do,” I peered up at him, “What was he going to do?”

The same furious look came back on his face, “He was going to kill you. Just before he took over completely he was going to bite you and suck your blood and kill you while I was still around so I could hurt.”

I bit my lip, chewing it anxiously.

He shook his head, “He wanted to do a lot of other things but I rather not talk about it,” he said, picking up my hands before he laced our fingers together.

We were silent for a moment and I thought through the past month without saying a word until a sudden thought made me sick.

“Austin, all those times we were together…Caleb was watching us?” I asked, horrified.

He nodded, jaw tight and eyes hard.

“Even in the shower…and bed…and?” my stomach twisted uncomfortably while rage shot up inside; he looked in on our private moments.

“He was always there,” he said grimly, “Why do you think I was always so reluctant to do anything with you? I didn’t want him to see you like that but I couldn’t not be with you…I needed you or else I’d die.”

I buried my face in his neck, taking big deep breaths to calm myself down. Once I was sufficiently calmed I sighed and kissed his neck.

“So what now?” I asked, sliding under the covers again while he joined me.

He started playing with my bra strap, “What do you mean?”

“I mean…us. Your Coven. My Pack. Us being Changed. How the hell do we explain all of this?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

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