Chapter 17: Catching Up

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-Carmen Silvers POV-

"Let me see you stripped down to the bone, let me hear you crying just for me," I heard my phone ring.

I leaned over, snatching it off my night table.

"Hello?" I asked quickly, thankful for the sudden distraction of a phone call since after I woke up from my nightmare I couldn't get back to sleep and struggled to keep calm and stay...well human.

"Carmen!" a familiar voice squealed, "Guess what!"

"Keira is that you?" I asked, frowning.

"Yup! Now guess what!" she said excitedly.

"I don't feel like guessing, just tell me," I sighed.

"We're fifty minutes away from your house and counting!" she cried and I heard whoops in the background as well.

"What?" my jaw dropped, "You're coming over? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Nope! Three day weekend baby! All six of us decided to come spend it with you!" she explained excitedly.

" okay then," I blinked.

"Oh my Gosh! It's fine if we come over right?" she asked worriedly.

I chuckled, "Yes, it should be fine. I was just surprised."

"Oh thank God!" she exclaimed, relieved, "Well! I better hang up now but I'll see you in less than an hour!"

She hung up before I could say anything and I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I dropped my phone onto my night table.

Eight o'clock in the morning. Half an hour before I had to catch the bus...if I went to school.

I cringed, thinking of Caleb. I immediately diverted my thoughts to something that wouldn't make me want to hurt someone and decided that I was staying home today. I couldn't face him, not again and certainly not with his words still fresh in my mind. Today was my mental health day and I most certainly deserved it.

I heard lily get up and get ready for school, and after a while she came into my room and saw me lying flat on my back, my eyes closed.

"Are you coming to school?" she asked, and even with my eyes closed I could picture her frown in my head.

"No," I sighed.

"You're not feeling well?" she asked, and I felt the mattress dip as she sat down, her hand touching my forehead.

I was fortunate that my temperature ran a little higher than the average human so I could at least feign a slight fever.

"I don't feel too good," I admitted, but it wasn't because I was sick. It was because I was scared.

Immortal Hearts 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora