"Anyway, I kissed her," Sam was recounting his night to the boys. They all stared at him wide eyed.

"No way, dude. Did she kiss you back?!" Joe was just so interested in this story. Way too interested. It was probably because he never got any action, and lived vicariously through his buddies.

"I mean, yeah, but I don't know man. She's been avoiding me and it's kinda weird." Sam was confused. Him and Vivienne hit it off at the grocery store. And at the party. But all she did was avoid him and he hated it.

Johnny admired his perfectly taped stick, "Well, she's coming tonight. I invited the Three Musketeers."

"Oh my god, yes! This is great. I'm gonna ask her out," Sam smiled widely, knowing that this was going to be the night that she was going to stop avoiding him.

Josh turned to Johnny, "Speaking of girls we're asking out, how's Paige?"

Johnny smiled to himself, "She's good. I dunno. She's very nice." As he finished his statement, his phone buzzed.

Paige 💃🏻
Good luck tonight! 🏒😋

He thought she was so sweet for sending him a text. He knew she was thinking about him, and he knew he would be thinking about her all night.


The girls arrived at the Saddledome, and Paige could've sworn all of Calgary had showed up that night. Everyone was decked out in red. I guess they called it the C of Red for a reason.

"We are so underdressed for the occasion." Paige chuckled. Her and the girls wore casual, going-out outfits. It was just a fun Saturday night to them. They knew hockey, they liked the sport; the two Canadians grew up all around it, but they didn't bleed hockey.

The game was fun. More fun than any of them could ever imagine. Paige enjoyed watching Johnny zip down the ice. He was small, sure, but he was quick, and she was dumbfounded when he scored... three times.

"He got a hat trick!!!" Amber exclaimed, jumping up and down, "Oh my god!!!! That's your boy!"

Paige just laughed. Her boy. He hasn't even kissed her yet. They barely went on three dates. He wasn't her boy because he wasn't qualified to be her boy.


After the game, the three girls went down by the locker rooms to congratulate the boys. Sean came out first. He waved to Vivienne and Paige, and hugged Amber. He hugged her so tight she thought he was trying to suffocate her. "Great job out there," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

Sam came out next. He didn't even wave to anyone else. He just looked intently at Vivienne and made a beeline for her. "Will you go to dinner with me tonight?"

She blushed, "I'm not up for a fancy dinner, but I am definitely up for take out and a movie."

He wrapped an arm around her, "That sounds even better."

Then the man of the hour came out. Johnny. He was freshly showered; his hair was damp, and he changed into a suit. Paige walked up to him, "Great job out there. But now I have to compare this game to all of the other ones I go to. Maybe next time you'll score four goals."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her neck. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked into his deep brown eyes. They stood there, staring at each other and smiling. They didn't have to say anything because they just liked being around each other. Then he kissed her. He just planted one on her. Paige was taken aback for a second, but then realized that this is what she's wanted since he texted her for the first time. They pulled apart and headed out, his arm wrapped around her.


Amber and Sean sat across from each other at a fancy restaurant with their food and a fake candle between them.

This is what he wanted. All he wanted, actually. He's been longing to be back with Amber since they shotgunned an entire case of beer the week before.

This is what she wanted, too. Her and Sean were completely on the same page, but they couldn't admit it to each other. Amber was always too arrogant; she didn't want to admit anything she didn't need to admit, and Sean was the same. But Sean would be the one to break first.

"I'm really glad you agreed to go to dinner with me. I didn't think you'd even remember me."

A smile spread across Amber's face, "How could I forget someone who parties as hard as me?"

"Right," Sean took a sip of his water, "By the way, I still think you're pretty even when I'm not drunk."

"Shut up," She chuckled.


Sam and Vivienne headed back to Sam's apartment for the night. Vivienne sat on the couch, a remote in one hand, and a box of chow mein in the other. Sam came in with two water bottles and put them on the coffee table. He sat down next to her, and she scooted closer to him.

Truth be told, Viv was glad that she chose to stop avoiding him tonight. It was a little awkward when he kissed her at the party, but things happen for a reason. She looked at him, then her food, then the movie, and she had never felt so content.


Back at the Gaudreau/Monahan residence, Johnny and Paige sat in his bed, making small talk while Johnny laid on Paige's chest and played NHL. She ran her fingers through his curly brown hair with one hand, and was reading articles on her phone with the other hand.

"Did you know swans can be gay?" She read from her phone.

Johnny chuckled. Paige was always reading about the weirdest stuff. "What?"

"Swans can be gay, Johnny! Like a boy swan can love another boy swan. That's so cute!" She was so excited about gay swans.

He just smiled and kept playing his game until she dozed off, and so did he.

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