Mates and Dates

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Acantha's P.O.V

I breathe in and out and then go out forgetting how awkward I am.

"Oh h-hi Damien, wha-

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Damien screamed in a pitch that nearly killed my eardrums. "How did you know it was me, I was trying to surprise you."

"Hold on you decided to surprise me by breaking in, that wouldn't surprise me it would terrify me and it kind of has. Your lucky I just learned a spell to read energy."

"I know it was a bit creepy of me to do but I figured since there was a lot of drama on your birthday and you didn't get to celebrate it. I thought it would be nice for you to walk in and there to be a party."

"Still Damien, it's creepy tell me if you want to come over. Don't do this, you're coming off as a stalker." I said trying to ignore the hurt look on his face. It felt like I was kicking a puppy, well I kinda was he is werewolf after all.

"Acantha I know this might be hard for you to hear but listen. I'm your mate and only yours and you're mine and only mine." He growled lowly. "I love you Acantha."

"But Damien I can't. Your sister, I can't to that to her. I can't say that I don't feel a pull to you because I do. But I doubt we're mates I really do." I said trying to look away because on the inside I was kicking myself. "When you were eighteen I was fourteen. Mates don't work like that-

Something very shocking shut it me up, my whole body felt transported to paradise. There was heat everywhere in my body even though it was bitterly cold inside and out. It felt like I was whole, for once in my life. That thing could only ever be realised when your mates lips touch yours. I was on cloud nine, I wanted to stay there forever but we both needed to breathe. The moment his lips left mine I felt cold and lonely. I believed him now, I wanted him to be with me for the rest of my life.

"Did I prove my point?" He asked smiling looking a little bit unsure.

I took this moment to go in for another kiss. "Did that answer your question?" I smirked.

Belladonna's P.O.V

I walked into the cinema and the smell of artificial peaches assaulted my senses. That mean't only one thing, Xavier got new hair gel.

I walked up towards him acknowledging that he made an effort. "Hi, Xavier."

"Oh hey Bella, I booked our tickets."

Hopefully he didn't pick a chick flick, I smiled (to be polite) "What did you pick?"

"Um... Clarista said you didn't like chick flicks and she said you like horror movies so I settled on Insidious: Chapter 2."He rubbed the back of his neck, I'd say he's nervous. So I forgetting who I am hug him and kiss his cheek.

"Sorry I don't know what happe-

"Bella you missed."


"You missed take the shot again."

"Xavier what are you on I didn't miss anything."

"Here let me help." For the second time ever he kissed me and it still felt like the first time.

But I didn't want it to happen everything was to fast I want to move slower if we were going to have a relationship then we will have to go at a snails pace. Because he's a werewolf and as we can both feel the mate connection between us he knows how I feel most of the time. The kissing stopped much to my relief, Xavier looked at me his eyebrows furrowed.

"Am I moving to fast?" He asked concerned.

"How did you know?"

You forgot to mind block me, I can feel it I'm sorry we can take it slow." Xavier said taking his hand from my back and tucks it into my hand. "Let's go see the movie."

The movie was off to a great start but then the distractions came. An hour had passed and the movie was great, until Xavier decided that it was okay for him to put his arm around me and pull close to him making me feel mixed emotions. I felt comforted by his scent and warmth but also uncomfortable from his close proximity.

I quick pulled away from him. And continued to watch the movie in awkwardness. It didn't help that the only people in the cinema were couples, they were kissing and cuddling. It made me feel sick. I looked over at Xavier and his eyebrows were furrowed, he looked attractive and I wanted to smooth out his face and un-furrow his eyebrows. So I went for the alternative I held his hand and that one gesture made his face light up he looked happy.

We stayed like that for the whole movie and it was really enjoyable.

We walked out to the restaurant, I think he said we were going to Le Supernaturals. I'm excited to go because although it's a chessy title for a supernatural restaurant. It served great food there though and it was really expensive.

He brought me over to a table it was right beside a window that made Cork city look beautiful. Soon the waitress came over with two menus she smiled at Xavier and grimaced at me but I just bore my teeth at her I quickly looked at her name tag it read Supernatural Sally.

There was so so much for vampires here. Like;

Plasma Juice

Plasma Soda

Steak with extra blood

Plasma Fruit Salad

Plasma Soup

There was also Brain Freeze A La Mode for the weird few. I settled on the steak because I've had it before and I'm not to keen on trying new things.

"Have you decided yet I'm getting the T-bone Steak, with chips. What are you going to have?" Xavier asked.

"I'm going to order the Steak with extra blood." I said trying to keep my audio low and to a minimum.

Xavier put his hand up and called for the waitress again but this time  Sally didn't come over it was a stocky young man who obviously took him time in the mirror this morning. He also had no same in looking at my twins or lack of twins.

Xavier noticed and blow up he threw a few punches and got us banned for two weeks.

"Looks like we're going to McDonalds. I know the chef he does the burgers really well.

The rest of our date was full of stuffing our faces with curly fries and talking about the movie.

I liked it and I like him.


Hey Guys

Okay so I know this one's a bit short but the next on will be longer. This is the last chapter of the chapters from 2013 when I was still a foetus, now anything I post will be in 2017. Don't Expect the most amazing things ever but there will be a spin off book. 

Clarista will be mentioned in my other books as they are in the same world.

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Stay Fabulous!

I'm Sorry Mate (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant