My Personal Opinion of the Types

Start from the beginning

First things that come to mind:

Tim Burton, claymation, daydreaming


My opinion:

I like you guys very much. Even though your thoughts can be very complex and you are always solving puzzles in your own minds, it doesn't take much to make you guys happy. I may consider dating an INTP as well, since I seem to get along with them quite well.

First things that come to mind:

A chemistry set, a huge library, watching Discovery Channel


My opinion:

You may be thinking, 'Opposites attract, and you're an INFJ, so you should really like ESTPs.' I never really had an opinion on the whole opposites attract theory, but now that I know about MBTI, I know that it's bullshit, at least in my case. ESTPs and INFJs almost never see eye-to-eye. To be quite honest, I have never known an ESTP that hasn't gotten on my nerves at all. Every one of them I've met has annoyed me at least a little bit. But, that does not mean that you are all bad people. Only some of you are, just like some people in every personality type are bad people. You all are just a bit too loud and frivolous for my taste. And I'm sure I'm too serious and melancholy for your taste. It is all right, we can agree to disagree.

First things that come to mind:

Skydiving, sports, bar fights


My opinion:

I'll be honest. Usually, when I try to have a conversation with one or more of you guys and tell you my point-of-view on a subject, you look at me like I have something wrong with me. You usually say that I overthink absolutely everything (you'd be right) and that I need to go out and have more fun. The thing is, my idea of fun is VASTLY different from your idea of fun, ESFPs. Here's some advice for you guys: be yourselves and don't try to pretend to be something you're not just to fit in. There will be people out there who like you for who you really are. Generally speaking, you guys are a little too YOLO for my taste, but most of you still try to keep your hearts in the right place.

First things that come to mind:

Clothes shopping, pop music, sports cars


My opinion:

I fucking love you guys. I believe those websites are right when they say that ENFPs and INFJs are the perfect match for each other. You are so fun to be around and you are usually very happy, and that helps bring me out of my aura of melancholy. You are usually kind of flighty and naive, but oddly, I find that to be endearing. The only thing about you is that you can be too nice and have trouble saying 'no' to people. It's okay, there are times when you have to say 'no' for your own sake. It will be okay, it doesn't make you a mean person.

First things that come to mind:

Adventuring, fairies, cartoons


My opinion:

A lot of websites say that ENTPs are one of the best matches for INFJs, but I don't see it. You guys are seriously cool with all your ideas for inventions, but for dating, you are not my cup of tea. My best friend is an ENTP, and even though we are very close and love each other dearly, we argue so much. It's usually because he doesn't understand why I feel certain ways about the things he says sometimes. I feel like INFJs are too easily upset to be with ENTPs in a romantic sense. But overall, you guys are usually very intelligent and witty and I like being around you for the most part.

First things that come to mind:

Doc Brown from Back to the Future, offensive humor, sex toys (you guys are usually perverts, so don't act like you're surprised at this one.)


My opinion:

You guys are just hard-asses. And I'm sure you're not upset by me saying that.

First things that come to mind:

Princess Leia from Star Wars, bosses at office jobs, Olympic athletes


My opinion:

I see that you guys care very much about family and friends, but you can't expect them to always want to invite you to any place they go. Not all of us are people-persons like you. You are very considerate and organized and that is awesome, but sometimes you come off as divas and/or prima donnas. So think about how you will look to the people around you before trying to get your own way or making a statement about your own importance.

First things that come to mind:

My aunt, family reunions, weddings


My opinion:

You are naturally heroic people and I admire that. You are great at creating harmony between people and diffusing tension, making you excellent leaders. There is one thing, though. Sometimes, when you are trying to help someone, they are not going to feel like they need your help, and they may be right. I understand that you are just trying to help, but don't treat everyone you meet like a charity case.

First things that come to mind:

Martin Luther King, Jr., my brother-in-law, Mufasa from the Lion King


My opinion:

I get it, having power can feel great, but it isn't everything. There are other things to life than just having complete control, ENTJs. I don't mind being around you all for the most part, it's just when you get critical and extremely bossy is when you bother me. Just relax, don't stress yourself out about things you cannot control. I've been telling myself this for years and it's finally begun to sink in.

First things that come to mind:

CEOs, Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey, Li Shang from Mulan

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