MBTI Contradictions (that Totally Make Sense)

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Disclaimer: I did not make these up, I found them on the internet, but I love them, so I wanted to share them with you guys.

ISTJ: Modest but proud

ISFJ: Imaginative but grounded

INFJ: Strong but fragile

INTJ: Confident but insecure

ISTP: Stubborn but easygoing

ISFP: Idealistic but practical

INFP: Timid but brave

INTP: Smart but naive

ESTP: People-oriented but insensitive

ESFP: Bold but sensitive

ENFP: Sociable but independent

ENTP: Energetic but lazy

ESTJ: Novel but traditional

ESFJ: Generous but needy

ENFJ: Accepting but judgmental

ENTJ: Accommodating but intolerant 

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