Chapter Twelve

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"Thriller - a fiction about harm about to befall a person or group and the attempts made to evade the harm "- Can't remember where I took this from.

-After School-

I pulled my bag from the floor as the other children rushed from their seats to get outside before anyone else. They were all idiots anyway. If everyone was rushing to the same place, at the same time, there'd always be a hold-up.

Darlene pushed through the class door to get inside, next to my desk as I made no hurry to get into the hall. Unlike the others, I had my own ride. Darlene poked my side.

"Are you coming with us today?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No. I have to fill my mom in on the details." I scratched my head. "And I have to do it alone." Darlene sighed.

"I'd come with you if I didn't have a ton of work to do. Come on, let's walk out with me," she said, dragging me the class door and into the hall which was still fairly full. We meandered through the crowds until we reached the front yard. I helped her as she searched for Emmett's car. Eventually, we found him on the west-side, listening to some modern R&B.

"Where's Caleb?" he asked wearily. I sighed.

"Gabriel's picking him up today." By then, Darlene was already in the passenger seat, buckling her seat belt. I nodded and waved goodbye as they drove. I had some extra studying to do, so I stopped by the library to pick up books, but it was mainly because I was avoiding my mother. I glanced at the clock on the wall, noticing that people began to exit the library one after the other... It was getting late.

I sighed and closed my books, signing out and driving home with the comfort of my music player soothing my nerves. Roy Orbison flooded my car as I pulled into my yard, and I noticed all the lights were on. She was home early.

I bumped into her in the kitchen were she stood preparing something that smelt good. Chris had put the cooking back into style ever since he arrived. It used to be takeouts and fast foods before.

She smiled once I walked in, already putting a portion of baked meat on a platter for me.

"Tell me what you think," she ordered. Without question, I brought the meat to my mouth, and it sure did taste good. " You expression says it all," she laughed. I forced a smile, hoping she wouldn't notice, but she did. Something's bothering you."

"Oh?" I laughed nervously, placing my stuff on the ground as I sat on one of the stools. Mom placed her hands on her hips and threw me a stern look.

"It's not good to hold secrets, honey," she scolded. If only you knew... If she wanted to know so much, I should just tell her. The sooner I'd get over with it. After taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and contemplated the best way to begin.

" Over the past few days, I had a friend staying over... Whom you didn't know about."

Mom frowned. "Go on..."

"It was Nina." Mom's eyes nearly popped out of her head, her jaw-dropping down. I wasn't sure whether she was angry or surprised. The pressing silence lasted for a few seconds until she began to bombard me with questions.

"They found her? Is she okay? Where is she now? Did she need to visit a hospital? Is she hurt?" I chuckled as her maternal instincts kicked into place.

"Mom, she's fine. She's staying at Darlene for now." Mom pouted, seeming disappointed.

"Why?" I played with my fingers, wondering how to start.

"Something... Uh... Occurred."

"Something like what?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Uh, I came home and found her battered and bruised." Mom's frown deepened as she listened intently. " The living room was a mess, and furniture was everywhere. I didn't believe it at first, but when Candace told me what she saw, I... I knew she wouldn't make up something like that."

"Spit it out, Zoe."

"She said it was Chris and I believe her. I know you really like him, but don't you think we should do some kind of research on the guy?" My mother remained silent, her eyes narrowing to slits. She took two steps until she was directly in front of me.

"Are you hearing yourself? Is this some kind of sick joke?" She seethed, startling me with her venomous tone. "I've thrown everything I ever wanted to be, down the drain, just to make you and your sister happy. I've worked my butt off to help you guys go to the best schools have the top educational facilities!" Her voice raised with every word. It was funny that she was talking to me this way since this was the same way I responded to Candace when she came home drunk. "And when I've finally found someone who can make me happy, you go and accuse him of such... such bullshit!"

"Mom, I'm telling the truth!" I cried. How could she not even consider it for once? "You've got to believe me!"

"Oh yeah? And what proof do you have?" She scoffed, shaking her head, before returning to the stove. "What did I do to deserve such ungrateful kids?" she murmured to herself. I couldn't take it anymore, knowing that if I were to reply, we'd be off, far from good terms. I shook my head, and retreated to my room, surprisingly encountering Chris in the hallway. He smirked in my direction as he passed me, but I grabbed his arm, my voice filled with fury.

"This isn't over," I threatened. He raised a brow.

"Oh really? Game on then." He smiled one of his charming smiles.

"Where's my sister," I asked once I realized I hadn't seen her at all. Chris frowned. "I know you picked her up after school."

"And then I dropped her off at her friends. Are you so hell-bent on thinking I did whatever happened to Nina?" He turned to face me completely. "I would never hurt you, your sister or any of your friends. I don't know how else to get that through your thick skull."

"Quit the acting dickshit. I will expose you." He stared at me, before responding.

"You never crossed me as the explicit and aggressive type. Maybe you're like your mom in bed."


And that was chapter twelve! This book might stop somewhere around chapter twenty, nothing more, nothing less. Don't worry, it'll get interesting. I know I don't usually follow the sneak peaks, but they do give an idea of what the next chapters hold. I changed the plot of the previous chapter, so yeah I've noticed my error. Sorry!

Taja D'amore.

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