// chapter 25 //

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Waking in Hailwatcher's old log den felt strange, especially since, for the first time ever, Nightchaser had slept completely alone. Already, he missed the warmth of the apprentice den, the feeling of Wrenpaw's fur against his own. Even as a kit, he had slept alongside Cinderblossom and Flamestrike, tucked between the two larger kits.

The dead moss pricked at his fur and he decided he would spend the day cleaning it out and replacing it with something fresher. The entire den smelled of mildew and mould, and it made his nose itch. It also still carried the scent of Hailwatcher.

The sunlight filtering into the log den was particularly bright and Nightchaser wondered if he could just sit and bathe in it. What does a truth-teller do all day anyway?

Stretching, he padded out of the den, nearly crashing into Lionmask as he did so. He jumped back, bumping his head on the inside of the log. Dark spots danced in front of his eyes, but the truth-teller regained his composure quickly.

"Good morning, Lionmask," he said.

"Nightchaser," the cream tom replied, dipping his head. "I was sent by Dawnstar to come get you. She wanted to speak with you about your duties."

"I assume they don't include bathing in the sun." Nightchaser said under his breath, already dreading his meeting with the leader. Lionmask let out the softest of purrs and flicked his ear in amusement.

The sun still hung low in the sky, halfway between the horizon and its highest point as Nightchaser followed the guardian into Dawnstar's den. The coolness within drained the heat of the sun from his fur quickly and a shiver passed through him.

"The new truth-teller of DarkClan," Dawnstar drawled as he stepped in, sitting with her tail wrapped over her paws neatly.

Nightchaser nodded, mirroring her position. "You asked to see me?" He wished to get right to the point and leave the den as quickly as he could.

"I wanted to review your duties as a truth-teller," she replied. "You are already aware that your primary duty is to watch the Clan for signs of traitors?"

He nodded once more. "And to tell stories of the past at ceremonies; to visit the kits and teach them DarkClan's ways; to select prisoners for deputy races."

"Very good," the pale tortoiseshell said. "I will remind you that you are to be accompanied by guardians at all times. There is only one of you and, should anything happen, the Clan will have lost a great asset." Her words seemed dry, but he only flicked an ear in dismissal.

"Understood. But I also wish to accompany hunting patrols so I can contribute to the Clan in other ways. I would like to watch some of the apprentices' training sessions, both to brush up on my own skills and possibly teach them more about DarkClan in the process."

Dawnstar's amber eyes narrowed, but she dipped her head in acceptance.

"Lastly, I want the entire Clan to hear stories of the past more frequently – not just the kits."

This time, she held his gaze for many heartbeats before giving her response. "On one condition: you must tell me which stories you are telling, and what lessons you intend to teach with them."

Nightchaser flicked his tail in agreement. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?" He had already risen to his paws, eager to leave.

"No. I'll send an apprentice to clean out the moss in your den and I'll speak to Spiderthorn about putting you on a hunting patrol today." She gave him a pointed look. "You are dismissed."

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