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She is one of my best friends.  I met her on November 2, 2015.  That was a great day.  Ever since, we have practically been inseparable.   But there are some things that need to be said.  Although I may be a grammar Nazi, you're grammar and spelling is truly terrible.  Sometimes, when I'm crying, I'd like to talk about me for a second.  Not just cupcake.  I know you're world is very busy, but there are times when we need to be serious.  It's very easy to lose sight of what you love most when it's right in front of you.  Hope is the only thing that is keeping you together.  You hope Cat and Cupcake aren't together.  You hope that everything's okay.  You hope that people feel better.  Know sometimes.  Be confident because you are truly beautiful.  You shouldn't depend on him for your happiness either.  Also, when somebody likes you, you can try to let them down easy.  And yeah, it'll still hurt them, you can understand that.  But it hurts a little less.  The only thing holding some people together is tape, glue, and hope.  People can't stay together with that stuff.  Stitching is delicate.  I wish you the best of luck.  Okay, so that was a little harsh.  But I know that you of all people know how I am.  Sometimes you really piss me off.  You just do little things that irritate me so much.  When you go and do things for me with Egg, yeah that's great and all but I would've liked a little heads up.  There are some things that I need to do on my own.  I do not tell you some things, because you use them against me when we fight.  Some things I just need you to be there for me, not there with me.  Thank you for teaching me true friendship and confidence.  Thank you for putting up with my crazy and my ignorance.  I'm sorry for those things in which I have wronged you.  I love you like a sister.  Thank you, I'm sorry.


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