Part Four - Uzumaki vs Uzumaki

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(Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, shape or form! Thank you ~ Ana 6318)

[Sorry 4 the wait, I'm really busy these days. Enjoy! ^-^]

Third Person POV

It was like any normal day in the hidden leaf village, exempt for the normal people that Bolt normally knew. Examples would be his family, his friends and his teacher.

Lord Third had been kind enough to make Bolt go to classes. He had exams today and he wasn't happy about it. He was in a class with some kids younger than his father yet he was his father's age now! 'Tch, why does he always out match me!' Boruto thought to himself angrily as he listened to the short lecture before graduations. Thank Kami he came to the past during exam times. God knew he could use the income since he didn't have his parents around anymore and he only have 20,000 yen saved up in his snake purse type wallet.

"Next up, Boruto 'Uzumaki." Called the teacher. Bolt stood and handed in his test, the teacher nodded and walked with him to a secluded room like with everyone else.

The teacher sat down, he was a thin man about five ten in height and probably only a hundred sixty pounds in total. The man had black hair tied up in a tie and rectangular shaped glasses placed neatly upon his face.

The man cleared his throat after looking over the test in a fast manor. "For being new and not learning at this Academy before you aced the test perfectly. Except for one question: Chakra is used by hand signs being weaved and focusing your Chakra to a certain point of your body. Chakra is created by using spirit and Energy together as one and you must work hard to create such Chakra to make even a single jutsu. Chakra is used for jutsu but the question was not what it was for but how and what it's made up of." The teacher says hands folded together under his chin.

"Hai." Bolt says.

"I would like for you to do clone jutsu, substitution, and show me one of your own jutsu if you can please." The teacher waits patiently eyeing the blonde in front of him.

Bolt nods and focuses, "Alright! Let's do this! Kage No Bushin No Jutsu!" Bolt shouts and three clones show themselves. Bolt's vision blurs and he wobbles alittle but keeps standing.

"Shadow Clones?!" The teacher says surprised.

"Hai, Sensei." Bolt says.

The teacher gives a one sided smirk and motions for Bolt to proceed. Bolt looks around the room and suddenly disappeared in his place is the desk lamp while he sat upon the desk in its place.

The teacher fell back in his chair, "Oi!" He says straightening up and sitting again. "Ahem, Good." He said after clearing his throat.

Bolt substituted again so he switched places with the lamp yet again. Weaving hand signs for his last Jutsu he felt uncomfortable like someone was staring a hole in his back. 'Damn Hyuga's trying to see what I'm up too. Irritating!' He thought while clenching his teeth, bangs covering his eyes in frustration. Going through hands signs, Bolt called out, "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" Suddenly medium pellets of water flew from his mouth and pelted the teacher causing him to be drenched in water. 'Heh! Learned that one from Kakashi-San!' He thinks doing a fist pump.

The teacher glared for a moment as he used his sleeve to clear the water from his face. "Boruto Uzumaki!" He said with a mad face then eye smiled, "You pass." He then said softly while handing over a headband.

Bolt smiled wide, "Yatta!" He yelled thrusting the hand that held the headband into the air.

Later that Day

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