saying goodbye

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Katya stood alone at the exit to the red room. Flashbacks of her six year old self waking up in the red room for the first time playing in her mind. She could barely recall the first hunger pains she felt when she first woke up. The fear that coarsed through her veins when she realized she wasn't at home anymore. 

They were all distant memories now. 

Her hand unconsciously moves to her lower abdomen. A dull pain radiating through her body as she thinks about her graduation ceremony. 

They had made her the perfect weapon. Completely free of weaknesses.

Katya thought about the single friend she had made in the red room. She wouldn't get to say goodbye to the red head. 

Even from the exit of the bunker Katya could hear the rest of the black widows fighting. 

They wouldn't graduate for a couple of months. Maybe even years. 

And here she stood. Alone. 

And saying goodbye. 

For the first time in years tears filled Katya's eyes. 

This was the end. 

She was empty handed, the only thing with her was a small gun and hunting knife. Once she left that room she would be meeting with her new employers and being sent out of missions. 

This would be the end of her training. From here on out Katya was a solider. 


From here on out she was a black widow. An official black widow. 

Steeling her face, Katya wiped away the small drop of water from her face. Pulling the locking mechanism apart Katya stepped through the exit. 

And with that she said goodbye. 

Goodbye to the red room. 



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