"I’ve drank alot of juice. I’m not really hungry." Stomach growls. "Niall, the food here is aweful! How do you expect me to keep half of it down?!"

"I know, it is pretty horrid. Maybe when they release you we can go out and have a nice dinner, just the two of us." He smiled at me.

"Of course, I’d love that." I smirked at him. "So, when do you thi—"

"Lex? Nialler?" Liam’s voice rang in the quiet room. "Can we come in?" Oh, he’s scared. Perfect. I straightened out my face. And put on a scowl.

"Of course." I spoke.

"Hey guys." Niall said, playing along with me.

"Hey Lex… Sorry we’re so late…" Liam said.

"She looks mad." Louis whispered to Taylor, who told him to hush. He’s a tad hungover, I could see the paleness of his face, and how unsteady he was.

"Why were you guys so late exactly?" I crossed my arms over my chest, fighting back the urge to smile.

"Well, we went to get you guys something and got mobbed."

"Is it food? Cause I can smell it." Niall replied plainly. God, that made it extremely hard to keep my straight face.

"It’s MacDonalds!" Harry exclaimed, before his jumped up in the air. He looked at me funny, and ran for the toilet.

"Still a bit sick I see." I motioned towards the bathroom.

"Yea, he’s not feeling too well, hungover. It’s been like this all day." Katie told me.

"Oh goodness." I replied, making a face. "That sucks."

"Yea, he can’t hold his liquor well." Zayn pointed out.

Niall jumped up, grabbed the MacDonalds bag. He gave me everything with my name on it, and the rest was his. He started eating, and I nibbled.

"I was wondering, can me and the girls have some alone time?" I asked, looking at each of the guys in turn. "Maybe, after Harry takes some aspirin, you guys can go see some of the fans outside?"

"That’d be cool. C’mon Harry, I’ve got some in my purse." Taylor said. She handed him a few aspirins, and he took a swig of Niall’s drink and took them.

"Let’s go lads." Liam ushered the boys out of the room, giving my a hopeful look.

— A few moments later—

"Katie… has Harry been acting weird lately?" I asked.

"You noticed too! Oh, I don’t know what I’ve done!" She almost broke down in tears.

"Katie, just tell me what happened last night." I said, as Taylor wrapped her arms around Katie.

"I’m not sure… I-I don’t remember much." She started to cry. This broke my fucking heart.

"Did… Did something happen between you and Harry?" I asked, cautiously.

"I mean… we drank… we walked between the clubs we went to, arms wrapped around each other for support… I remember when we got back to your house. We kissed alot, and we talked. I don’t know what we talked about really, but we talked. I remember giggling a bunch… I remember an heated make-out session. I remember Harry telling me something important. And then we laid down on the pallet on the floor we made. Then I remember being moved around in my sleep. I remember something happening in the middle of the night but I don’t know what…" She paused, rubbing her forehead. "The last thing I remember is waking up in pajamas…" She finished. She sat there for a minute… "Oh. My. God… Did Harry and I have sex?!" She flipped out. "I didn’t want to have sex for a while… I mean I love Harry. I love everything about him but… Oh my God! DID WE USE PROTECTION!?" That thought broke her down.

She just sat there crying. She mumbled alot about how she didn’t want to be pregnant at nineteen. She couldn’t have a kid now. About how bad it would be for Harry to be a father at such a young age. How the press would have a field day if it were. True. Taylor and I comforted her the best we could. Offering helping words, lots of hugs, and a few comforting kisses on the head and cheek.

—With the boys—

"Why is things between you and Katie so awkward?" Zayn asked after they finished visiting with the last of the fans outside and went to walk through the hospital’s park.

"I think… we might of slept together last night…" Harry muttered.

"Woah! Harry! You what?!" Louis exclaimed, stopping in his tracks.

"I think we might of had sex." Harry said plainly, dropping on the bench infront of them. "Boys, I think I’ve screwed up bad, if we did."

"Did you use protection?" Zayn exclaimed.

"I don’t know."

"Did she agree to it? If not, that’s rape Harry." Louis said.

"I think, IF we did, she initiated it…" Harry spoke quietly.

"Harry, you two need to talk this out." Zayn said.

Harry looked at Liam, who had been quiet this whole time. He knew. Harry knew Liam knew, that he thinks he slept with Katie. Hell, Liam had been on the phone when Harry told Lexie.

"Guys, I know!" He yelled, "I know I’ve screwed up! But I’m not even sure right now! I was fucking plastered! LET ME HANDLE THIS GUYS!" Harry got up and headed straight for the nature walk.

"I’m going to go talk to him, go on back inside guys." Liam said.

"Niall, did you know?" Louis asked him, Niall hadn’t said a word.

"I mean, Lexie told me after Harry told Lexie…" He trailed off.

"Niall!" Zayn whined. "We don’t keep secrets!"

"DUDE! I’m not crossing Lexie! SHE BIT ME TODAY!" He held up his arm, you could still see the teeth marks, but only barely.

"She bit you?" Zayn laughed.

"Yes, yes she did. And it hurt." Niall replied, rubbing his forearm.

"Niall… did you bite her back?" Louis raised his eyebrow.

"Why do you ask?" Niall asked nervously.

"I’m hoping those bite marks on her neck are yours and not someone elses." Louis replied plainly.

"You’re not… mad?"

"I’m not pleased, but she’s bit me before, and I bit her back. That’s how it works." He shrugged. "Now, inside we go!" Louis marched towards the door.

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