“No. You’re half naked, and let’s just say I walked in on Niall talking about you one day, and if I find out he’s ever gotten a hold of you in a sexual way. I’m chopping his balls off.” My jaw hit the ground. “Don’t give me that look. I’m serious. Pick your jaw off the ground Lex.” His voice took on this alpha male tone. “I don’t want you to do anything with Niall. Okay. Nothing. Not. A. Thing. The LAST thing you need to accidentally get pregnant.” I hit his arm, hard. “OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?”

"First off, for implying that I’d get pregnant at such a young age, even if almost eighteen isn’t very young. Second off, SERIOUSLY!?” I smacked his arm again. Harder then the first time. “I’ve barely been with Niall for a… month now, and you’re talking about us have sex! WHAT THE HELL LOUIS! Calm yo self! We’ve got a LONG time before ANYTHING like that happens!” I exclaimed, taking a moment to slip the t-shirt Katie picked out over my  head. I took a deep breath in the process of getting the shirt on, and realized it smelled just like Niall. I looked in the mirror and noticed it WAS Niall’s. “Lou..” I sighed, “nothing is going to happen between me and Niall for a long while. I promise. I know you’re scared to lose me.” I hugged him.

"Damnit Lexie, you know me to well." He caved and hugged me back.

"Leeeeeeeeexieeeeeeeeeeee!" Katie called, right outside the door, "You have some visitors!" She giggled.

"Is she drunk?" I laughed, kind of surprised.

"I hope not… It’ll be hard to get her out of here without drawing attention if she is…" Louis rubbed his temple.

Katie has been eighteen for a few months now, and she doesn’t drink often, but then again she’s a lightweight and gets tipsy easily. Therefore, she gets plastered quickly. I mean, I LOVE her to death, and she’s amazing, but when she’s drunk… I’d LOVE to record it and hold it above her head. The shit she does drunk… God, it’s hilarious!

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexieeee!" She wined. "I miss you! WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard a thump, and Lou sent me a look.

"She’s plastered." We said at the same time.

"Here, let me pick up everything, go on out there and make sure she doesn’t kill herself… or hurt anyone." I said pushing him out the door.

I put my dirty clothes in the backpack, and noticed my glittered make-up bag was in there. I put on some foundation and mascara. I threw my mascara tube back into the make-up bag and took a good look at myself. There were only a few cuts still on my face. I had a small gash healing along my jawline on my right, and then a bruise in the final shades of green/brown on my shoulder that reaches to my collar bone area. Man, if I look like this now, I can only imagine how bad it was days ago. I wonder back into my room, it was quiet and empty.

Jumping back into the bed, metaphorically speaking, I checked my phone. It was around  2:00 in the afternoon, and it was the first of February. I put my phone back on the table beside the hospital bed and closed my eyes.

February first. Why does that date ring a bell…

February first… February first…


Holy Hell! How could I forget that! I haven’t gotten him a thing! I haven’t even talked to him today to WISH him a happy birthday.

I hopped out of bed and paced the small distance between my bed and the bathroom. Damnit Lexie! You had plenty of opportunities to get him something! You’ve only gone out shopping four times since they got here. Damn! I need to figure out something… I need t-

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