Last minute we were told the location had to be moved, so no need for a plan of escape. We’re chilling in the van, Lexie is asleep with her head on Niall’s shoulder. They ARE quite cute together. And Niall really does like her, I mean, just watching him put his arm around her gently, careful not to wake her up. He let her readjust herself, she snuggled into him, and he just kissed her head and went back to talking to Liam and Zayn. I just wanted to take lots of pictures, and keep them forever. As long as Niall treats her right, and I know he will, I’m happy for her.

Ahhh. This is a familiar radio station. We’ve been here a few times. I realized as I looked out the window after we were parked.

"Lex? Wake up. We’re at the last interview." Niall whispered in her ear.

She mumbled something, and snuggled closer to him.

"I got this Niall." I said, an evil-other-brother gleam in my eyes. Niall raised an eyebrow and simple moved his arm from around her.

"GET UP LEXIE-BOO!" I screamed, grabbing her sides. She spazzed, wailed her arm around and smacked me in the mouth.

"Ahhhhhh!" She yelped, grabbing Niall’s hand. "Lou, I hate you." She glared at me.

We got our things and walked to our last interview.

It was alot like the last one. It was crazier because Lexie was hyper. This is WHY she does NOT get to take naps during the day. She was babbling on about something the interview asked her. She was good at killing time with talking. She could go on for DAYS on the right topic… or with the right people.

We got done early and headed back out to the van.

I walked out first with Liam by my side. There was a few fans and they just wanted hugs and pictures. Of course we did that. All of us. They’re main target was Lexie and Niall. They got their pictures taken ALOT with fans. Lexie was asked to sign stuff and looked like she was going to explode with excitement. Harry and Katie was close behind me and Liam, so I left Niall to handle Lexie. A few moments later, Zayn came up beside me and told me we might have to swoop in and save Nexie if we aren’t careful.

"They’ll be fine.." I said aloud. More to myself then anyone really, I just worry.

"Thanks guys, but we’ve got to go. My girl is tired!" Niall laughed, I looked over at them and Lexie was leaning into Niall. The girls he’d just left were giggling. Those of us by the van were laughing too.

"Wait, I forget to grab my notebook from them!" Lexie chimed. She ran back and grabbed it from the fans who had it last. She checked to make sure they all had signed it. She was walking slowly back over to Niall reading the long list of twitter names she just collected when she heard something strong. We all heard it actually. The sound of squealing tires. I saw her head snap up and look around, we all did that. Then I saw her start running out of the corner of my eye. I watch her, and I see a car maybe 50 meters away from Niall, and getting closer. Lexie was running to Niall. It clicked what she was going to do.

"LEXIE!?" I exclaimed only moments before I heard contact made. I heard the thud of a body hitting pavement. I opened my eyes, and uncovered my face… There she was. Laying on the ground about a meter from the car, unconscious. Niall facedown on the ground only a few meters away, he looked shook up.

He looked around for a moment and leaped up to check on Lexie. I was frozen. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t blink. I just stood there, looking at Lexie’s motionless body lay on the cold pavement.

"NIALL!? LEXIE!?" I managed to get out. I pulled out my cellphone, dialled for emergency services. I ran to my sister as the phone rang.

"She’s breathing…" Liam said.

"Barely… She’s so pale.." Zayn stated, holding one of Lexie’s hands.

Katie ran over to help Niall us. He was limping, but he was okay. He collapsed next to Lexie.

I knelted by her head, it was resting on my lap. I was applying slight pressure to the gushing head injury Lexie had. I looked down at her, a few cuts, a few bruises.

Someone finally picked up, I told them all they needed to know. Barely three minutes later emergency, they got here.

They lifted Lexie on a stretcher, said only family could ride. I jumped into the medical van, and sat there holding her hand.

Filing a police report; meet you at the hospital -Nialler

I replied with a simple okay, and put my phone in my pocket.

"C’mon Lexie. You’ll pull through you have too…" I whispered.

—Lexie’s POV—

My head snapped up at the sound of screeching tires, my eyes darted back and forth till they landed on Niall. He was standing on the sidewalk waiting for me. I started to jog over to him. He took a few steps forward, ending up stopping in the middle of the road. Then out of nowhere a car comes speeding around the corner. I’m NO longer running TO Niall, I’m running to SAVE Niall. I get there in time to push him out of the way, I’m blinded by the head lights.

I feel the impact.

I feel the cold ground beneath me.

I hear screaming, yelling, calm talking.

I felt my hands make contact with other hands.

I felt my head laid on someone’s lap.

I feel this terrible headache coming on.

I felt numb.

I couldn’t move. I could barely open my eyes. They flutter just enough for me to see Louis staring down at me.

"Lexie…" Harry mumbled, his hand gripping one of mine tightly.

"She’ll be okay Harrah." Zayn’s voice shook, and I felt my arm move back and forth, as if he was rocking back and forth.

It felt crazy. I could hear everything. I could see nothing. I could feel everything happening to me, well, until this very moment. I slowly drifted off.


I woke up to the sound of a soft beeping… well, if you call waking up being able to hear well, but not talk or do anything. All I could do was lay there. In this bed. I felt the pressure of the needle in my hand, sending something through my body every now and then. I hurt alot, and it was hard to do anything really… What happened?


uh-oh... hehe... so this is a twist isn't it?

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