You Aren't Staying Any Longer

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India Coly POV

Pulling into the driveway, I look over at Andre (Aaliyah's dad) and ask him if he's ready. Right now, we're about to surprise Liyah and Lucas with some good news.

"Well, staying in the car is the only thing keeping me from telling them at the moment" he exclaims. Taking that as a yes, I cut off the car, take the keys out the ignition, and head to the front door.

Walking into the house with Andre on my heels, we head to their room. Going into Lucas's, I discover he isn't in his room so he has to be in Liyah's. I see Andre at Aaliyah's door his mouth wide open, looking to see why he's so shocked I become shocked my self. LUCAS AND AALIYAH WERE KISSING/MAKING OUT!!!!!

"What the hell are doing to my daughter?!?" Dre shouts, making everyone jump. I've never seen him angry a day in my life, this is all new to me. He's been upset but never this mad. Uh-oh

"Honey maybe you should just-"

"Hell no! Ain't nobody gone be up in this household KISSING especially you Liyah" he cuts me off, I CAN'T STAND WHEN PEOPLE CUT ME OFF, I love Dre but he got me fucked up

"Hold the hell on, you ain't finna cut me off like imma child or summ... so you can take YO CHILDISH ASS IN OUR ROOM AND GO THINK ABOUT THIS, CALM DOWN, AND FIGURE OUT WHO YOU THINK YOU WAS CUTTING OFF" Quickly changing his attitude and tone, Andre disappears into the hallway going to our room. Now facing a pale Lucas and Liyah, I lean up againist the doorway.

"So this what we doing now?" I ask them, they just sit there with blank stares on their face, "HELLO ARE Y'ALL- are you gon' answer me?"

Lucas clears his throat and speaks, "Well we got tangled up in a lil mishap and it resulted in Liyah locking her self in her room" Then he looks over to her and so do I

"And after that, we started talking about this problem and then we ended up...kissing" she finishes, I look at them back and forth trying to figure bout what to do with the both of them

"Lucas go to room and get packing, as of aren't staying here any longer" I announce, and he jumps up


"DON'T talk back just go and do what I said"

Liyah said nothing she cried silently for the rest of the day. Even at dinner, she sat there with tears rolling down her cheeks as she still stayed silent. Before I sent Lucas to his father's house, she locked herself in her room and watched him leave from her window still crying. Lucas waved her goodbye and she gently placed her hand on the window. She's definitely making me regret my decision right now...oh god help me

Yasssss bitch 4th chapter doneeee...😂😂😂
Im not doing next updates anymore imma update whenever I get inspired so yea

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