36. Broken.

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Wednesday 28th of October, 2015

Justin's P.O.V

"Haaappy birthday to youuu!" everyone sang as I sat in front of my birthday cake, ready to dig in.

I smiled happily and looked around the room. Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Dad's pregnant wife Erin who was holding little Jazzy in her arms, Aunt Lisa and all my cousins and other guests looking at me, waiting for me to blow out the 14 candles. Dad came to me, holding a camera in his hands.

"Happy birthday, little guy! You'll grow into a great man one day. You'll do no harm to anyone." he patted my shoulder.

Mom came from behind him, tears in her eyes but they were happy tears.

"My baby boy." she sniffled and hugged me tightly.

"Love you, mom." I mumbled into her hair.

"I love you too, Justin, but listen to me." she pulled away from the hug and held my shoulders, looking deeply into my eyes, "This is not real, sweetheart. You need to wake up, okay?"

I frowned, confused since I didn't know what she was talking about. We were celebrating my 14th birthday so why would she say something like that? She ran her fingers through my short hair and sighed, somehow looking sad suddenly.

"My beautiful baby. Don't be scared. Just open your eyes." she whispered.

Suddenly I realized that everyone around me had disappeared except for my mom. She was still in front of me, holding my shoulders. My breathing quickened.

What's going on?

My insides started turn and pain conquered my whole body. I gasped for air and squirmed in my seat.

"Shh... I know it hurts but you need to do it." moms voice echoed around me, filling my head.

I felt her grip loosening up. I panicked.

"Wait! Mom!" I yelled as I saw her backing away from me and disappearing to the darkness around us, "Mom!"

I tried to get up from my seat but the pain was too much. I couldn't take it. Everytime I got up, I fell back since my feet couldn't carry me. I growled in pain, my body convulsing as a reaction. I felt like someone knocked the air out of me and I started to have difficulties to breathe.

"Wake up, Justin." moms voice was an echo.

A huge weight came over me and I yelled as loud as I could.

My eyes shot wide open and I inhaled deeply. My throat was closed and I barely could even fill up my lungs with oxygen. I was gasping for air, gripping onto something soft with my hands. My eyes couldn't focus on one place, instead my gaze wandered around quickly. I felt dizzy. My head was aching. My whole body was in huge pain. Even if I tried to move my hands I couldn't. I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated on my breathing.

Inhale. Exhale. You can do this. It's nothing serious.

My breathing got normal step by step and I ventured to open my eyes again. There was a loud beeping noise that sounded like heartbeats. Slowly I lifted my eyelids and almost got blind from the bright light. I furrowed my brows together and closed my eyes. It was too bright. I took a deep breath one more time and tried again. I squinted my eyes slowly, taking the light in carefully. First my vision was blurry but it got clearer in the matter of seconds.

Where the hell am I?

I was in a room that had white walls. Basically everything was white. Still I couldn't move, so as much as I could I tried to look around without moving an inch. The curtains were closed. There was a TV across the room from where I was. There was a door with a small window in the middle of it and a few chairs were here and there. My body felt numb. I looked down at myself. I was lying on a bed, my arms on my side. But it looked like something was attached to my left arm. I squinted my eyes to look more closely and realized it was an iv. I inhaled in shock.

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