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Midnight struck and I turned into the monster. I ran through the streets looking for blood. I had just came into the park when I saw a small child swinging. I thought to myself "mm it's been awhile since I've had THAT" so I sneak up on her. I notice that no one is around so I take out my knife and stab her in the back repeatedly as she screams I rip out her tongue and stab her in the face. Her screams go silent as the last bit of blood leaves her body. I smile as I see she's beyond recognition as I toss her body into a bush and take off runing again. I find a fat jogger and drown him in the lake he was running by as I smile when the bubbles from his breath ceases. Almost 3 in the morning I find a little puppy who's probably lost. I pick it up and rip its legs out of its body, then I tear out its tail and the spine comes with it. I drop the puppy and kick it into the middle of the road as it's still twitching and I head for home.

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