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I hop into my black sports car and drive to school. When I get there there's a pink Volkswagen bug in my parking space. I park behind it so that whoever's dumb ass parked in my spot can't get out. I smirk to myself as I turn my car off and sling my bag onto my back and walk into school. Sitting on the steps as usual is Anne in her short white skirt and a white crop top that can barley hold her double Ds. Her blonde hair perfectly straight and her make up perfect to the last detail on her bright blue eyes. Anne has a rockin body, she's got the perfect ass and tits. She jumps up when she sees me and hugs me tight against her. She whispers in my ear as I loop my arms around her tiny waist "I've been looking for your sexy ass all morning baby". I smile as I grab her ass and whisper back "well here I am sexy" she blushes a deep red. I smile and whisper in a low voice that she can't resist "how about you meet me in the bathroom during first period baby girl?" Anne winks at me and nods her head yes as the bell rings and she gives me a quick kiss and runs off to class.

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