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At lunch Anne and her friends sit at my table. Nick sets his tray across from mine as Anne and her best friend Alexis set down their trays on either side of me. I smile at them both and eat my lunch and as I do I feel Alex's hand on my inner thigh as she rubs my dick. I shiver at the feeling and smile. Alex sees my smile and Anne doesn't, thank God! After lunch Anne leaves for class as Alex and I hang back. I smile at her as her dark chocolate brown eyes look up at me and smile. I whisper to her "so we're on last period right baby girl?" She smiles more "always baby, but I just don't understand why we can't tell anyone about us. I mean I do since I know Anne doesn't need to know that you love me and not her but when are you going to dump her?" I notice everyone is gone from the lunch room "soon, I promise" I lean down and kiss her softly yet seductively as I whisper to her " you're the only one for me" As Alex smiles and walks away I slap her ass and go to class. Last hour comes and goes, I fucked a girl named Jasmine after lunch then fucked Alex last hour yet I still felt like I wasn't satisfied. I went to my car and found the pink car gone. I just shrugged got in and left.

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