Chapter 18 The unforgettable past

Start from the beginning

" I work in the Lindcon Co. Mrs Henderson. ..."

" call me Lilly dear" she smiled.

" Okay. I work in Lindcon Co. And I have three brothers."

" what do your parents do dear?"

" They are not here anymore."

"So where are they?" She asked.

" mom..." James eyed her. I touched his hands.

" it's okay. Live my mom died when I was 4 and my dad when I was 6"

" I am sorry dear," she said sadly.

" it's okay. My brothers never made me feel lonely. They are awesome." I smiled.

" Let's eat. Shall we?" James said. We had dinner.

"Mrs Henderson dinner was really good."

" call me Lilly dear. Will come to the kitchen with me to get the deserts."

"Sure I love to." I went to the kitchen joining Lilly and James and his dad was talking with each other.

" So Mia tells me, how is my James. He doesn't come home much nowadays"

" He is okay. A bit workaholic and sometimes he is hard on other people."

"James can be rude and harsh I know." She said.

" it's not that. He is caring and responsible. He has his way of understanding things. But I agree he is a little rude to people sometimes. But he has a soft side too. And that's what I like about him." She smiled at me. Did I say something weird just now?

James came in.

" So what are you talking about? " He asked me.

" about you but not telling," I said smiling.

" secret talk huh?" He smirked.

" James you should show Mia the garden." She said to him.

" sure. Come Mia" I went towards James and followed him. We went to the garden. It was simply beautiful. All types of flowers were present. I went to Lilly's. " it's really beautiful James."

"Yeah my mom has a thing for plant's and she created this garden by herself"

" what that's awesome. It's really pretty." I went twirled between the flowers. I love this garden it's so beautiful and when the leaf falls from the tree it's so sweet.

I saw James looking at me. " what?"

" nothing." He smiled. We went further ahead and sat on a bench.

" you remember Mia when I told you I had a sister?" He said. My heart was beating fast not with excitement but to hear the painful story which was coming forward.


" well, I am not the elder son. My twin sisters were elder. Sia and Lia. We used to play together in this garden. We were very small at that time. Sia and Lia were 5 years old and I was 3 years old. We were told not to play near the lake but as I was naughty I pulled them to play there. We were playing tag and I don't know how it happened but Sia fell in the lake. As I didn't know how to swim I couldn't save her. Lia went to call for help. I was there while she drowned. I just cried and watched I couldn't do anything."

" James. ..." I said in a sad voice.

" I should have jumped in. Whether I could swim or not. I should have saved her. I just stood there in fear and watched her drown." He said.

James POV

I told her my life's most painful story. I was guilty of what happened that day till now.

" I still regret what I did. Till today the guilt haunts me. I should have not have taken her to the lake to play." I was just about to break when Mia hugged me tightly. I was taken back.

"James it was not your fault. You were too small even if you jumped you couldn't have saved her. You both had died then. I know, no matter what I say the guilt is not going to leave you. It's up to you to pull yourself out of that. If you ever again get a chance to save someone you do it. That will be the day you will free yourself from this guilt. But please don't carry it alone. I am here with you. So rely on me. I am here for you James."

I wrapped my arms around her. I needed her the most at this moment. She is there for me when I need her. She doesn't say like my parents said to get rid of the guilt cause it was not my fault but she instead tells me that if I carry this guilt I am not alone she will be there for me.

" Thank you Mia for listening. I never told anyone what happened. I became silent and I never let anyone close to me in any way so they cannot get hurt by me."

" James thank you for telling me. And don't be afraid of letting anyone in because you're not going to hurt them. If you push them away from you then it's gonna hurt them" the things she says I never realised them till now.

I felt so peaceful and calm with her. I am glad to have her. " Mia, will you come with me every year to Sia's grave to visit? It will give me some strength."

" I will James." She smiled at me and hugged me again.

" I would like to visit your parents too when we visit my sister" I had my parents but I didn't know the feeling of not having parents behind you. She smiles and appears to be strong in front of others but I never heard her speak of her parents too. She must have felt a lot of pain like I did.

"Thanks, James," she said.

" Anything for you my angel." Yes. She was just like an angel who is pulling me out towards the light which I never looked at.

She was right it has to be me who can pull myself out of this guilt.

Mia, my angel


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