Chapter 3

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Hey guys! So I thought I'd update even though I didn't get the votes and comments I wanted. Oh well. But I will hold you guys to it this time! Muah ha ha! I am asking for 2 comments and at least 3 votes. Remember-fan, VOTE, and COMMENT! Thank ya'll!

Oh, and its short. Sorry. Its Karma for not voting! hahahahah! Just kiddin


Chapter 3

            “Come on! It’s the weekend!” Ginny said happily, pushing on the bed. “Come on Hermione! I figured we could eat breakfast, then go visit Hagrid,” Ginny said eagerly, bouncing.

            “I’m up!” Hermione said, a smile on her face. While getting dressed, she looked over at Merope’s bed and felt a twinge of jealousy. Even in her sleep, the girl looked like a supermodel. Her hair was fanned out over her pillow, hand on her stomach, lips slightly pursed, and eyelashes dark on her cheeks.

            “Should we wake her?” Ginny asked, seeing my gaze. Pasting on a smile, Hermione shook her head.

            “Let her get some sleep,” she said, starting down the half with Ginny bouncing along in her wake. Finally she’d get some time with her real friends without an attention hog stealing everyone.


“Where’s Merope?” Ron asked as soon as Hermione and Ginny sat down. Hermione’s grin slid off her face but Ron didn’t notice. He was too busy loading his plate with eggs.

“She was still sleeping so we didn’t wake her,” Ginny said, helping herself to a pastry. Ron felt a twinge of disappointment but comforted it by eating more.

“Merope sleeping in?” Fred asked, him and George sitting down. Ron nodded mutely.

“Let her sleep. It probably freaked her out, being captured by Malfoy,” Fred said, a shadow of irritation on his face. Just as quickly, it was gone. “But of course, being the gentlemen I am, I saved her.”

George sniggered and Fred slapped his twin on the back of the head. Ron rolled his eyes at his brother’s roughhousing. He’d seen enough of it to last a lifetime.

“Sorry I’m late,” Harry said, sliding into an empty seat next to Ron. Ron felt more disappointment, being the only seat available now was next to George.

“Merope! Over here!” Ginny called, standing up and waving. Ron’s heart leapt as he waited for her to sit a seat…not by him.


“She looks like she owns the world!” Pansy muttered angry to Millicent Bulstrode. Millicent nodded.

“I mean, what do they see in her anyway?” she asked, watching Merope almost float into the room. She was now wearing dark, flowing black roves. Form fitting of course, just like every other girl’s. But it looked better on her. Pansy frowned, the hated girl sat by one of the blood traitor Weasley twins again.

“At least she doesn’t look like a skank anymore,” Pansy said, criticizing Merope’s makeup. Like yesterday, she still had the perfectly defined eyes but lacking the lipstick. Now her lips were a soft pink color. Probably her natural lip color, Pansy thought.

            “Maybe I should be friends with her. Then when she trusts me and starts telling me secrets, I’ll tell them to everyone!” Pansy said devilishly, “Then everyone won’t think she’s so great anymore.” So it was decided. Pansy would become Merope’s best friend.

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