Chapter 1

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 Disclaimer-I do not own any of Harry Potter Characters or the Harry Potter world. Those belong to J.K. Rowling.

Note-The story takes place during Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts.

Dedication-completeinhim for making the amazing cover. <3 Thanks girly!!!!


Chapter 1

            “The sorting is about to begin Albus,” Minerva McGonagall said quietly to the tall, bearded man in front of her. He nodded serenely and stood up.

            “Students,” he said quietly. At once, the Great Hall fell silent. A smile flickered across his lined face. Sorting was one of his favorite times of the year. New minds to be taught and new friends to be made. Who knew which new student could make an extraordinary magical discovery in their upcoming years at Hogwarts?

            “New students are lined up just outside the door. Make them feel welcome. Now let the Sorting begin!” Albus said grandly. The Great oak doors to the room opened.


            “I wonder how many of them will be Gryffindor,” Hermione said wistfully, craning her neck to see the long line of first years.

            “Let’s just hope they hurry up. I’m starving,” complained Ron, a loud rumble coming from his stomach. A shaggy haired boy next to him snickered. His black hair stuck up in the back and a jagged scar was on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. His name was a name known around the world. Harry Potter.

            “If you’d take your mind off your stomach for a minute Ron,” Hermione said, “I heard there’s a transfer student this year.”

            “Where?” Harry asked suddenly.

            “What?” came a voice from across them. Two red headed boys had just jumped from a conversation with Lee Jordan to them.

            “Where did the transfer come from?” Harry asked one of the twins.

            “I heard it’s a big bloke from Durmstrang,” Fred said, sticking his arms out so he impersonated an ape. .

            “Well mate. I heard it’s a lovely lady from Baubaxtons,” George said, wagging his eyebrows.

            “Please!” Hermione said exasperatedly.

            “I guess we’ll just see,” Fred said grandly, watching the first years continue to file through the door.


            “Georgina Smith,” McGonagall called out. A small brunette girl walked forward and sat on the stool. The hat touched her head before shouting out, “Hufflepuff!” The Hufflepuff table cheered as Georgina stumbled nervously to sit at the table.

            A lot of first years, McGonagall thought as she read more names. Must be a baby boom again, she contemplated. She finished the list of first years and turned to Dumbledore who stood up.

            “Now we have given our first years their new houses. Now let us welcome a new student from Durmstrang,” Dumbledore said happily, gesturing for McGonagall to continue.


            “M-m-merope Riddle,” McGonagall stammered as she read the name on the bottom piece of the parchment.

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