1. The Illegitimate Birthday Cake

Start from the beginning

It didn't seem like much from the outside but this was the closest thing I had to a family. 


After a round of coffee, we began discussing our ideas. There was a lot of planning to do and we were full of ideas. Mrs. Lee tied her hair up in a bun and I put on my glasses. We took out our notepads and started jotting down all the good ideas we came up with. We were in the zone and did not notice that we filled the place with several cups of coffee and crumbled pieces of paper. This happened to us often -- we'd be so engrossed in our work, we'd never realize what was going on around us. 

Time passed,  it was almost midday, and we weren't still done. I stretched and yawned, realizing that I hadn't changed my position for hours. We were too busy drawing blueprints when I heard the door open. I immediately put my glasses away, fixed my look, and got up to welcome the customer. 

"Hey! I received your messages! I'm sorry that you had to wake up early to escape those chicks!" Jun loudly disturbed our ambiance, as he entered, dropped his backpack on the ground, and walked toward me. 

 'Ya! speak softly, I don't want Mrs. Lee to hear!'' I whispered, lightly smacking his head. 

''You don't want her to hear what?'' Mr. Lee came in right after Jun.  ''Good Afternoon!'' I wished and bowed. 

''Ma! Why didn't you let Shin Hye go to the school trip?'' Jun yelled and walked towards the kitchen. I followed him and smacked his head, hard this time, begging him to shut up. 

"Shin hye, darling, what trip?" Mr. Lee asked as he followed us. 

"No, it's nothing--" I began.

"Yeah, was dying to go on this school trip, but she won't say it out loud," Jun said, completely interrupting and ignoring my presence. 

"Is that so? It's okay if you missed this one. Maybe you can go to the next one?" Mr. Lee suggested.

"Ah-ah! Yeobo, why don't you just enroll her into the same school as Jun? They'd have each other around! Isn't that what we've wanted for a while now!" Mrs. Lee chimed in. 

"Wait, I don't think that's a good --" Lee Jun began, looking a bit peaky. 

Well, then, I'll enroll you into the same school as Jun.  I guess that would be easier for you both to be silly together?" Mr. Lee asked. 

I bowed, gratefully. "Thank you, Mr. Lee, but I cannot accept your offer. Both you and ma'am have done a lot for me already," I said. 

"Ya, Shin Hye! You deserve to start fresh -- besides, your parents would have wanted to do the same for you,'' Mrs. Lee said. 

Funny how Mrs. Lee always has to emotionally blackmail me whenever I disagree. But, I guess she's right. My parents, probably, would have wanted this. They were no more. Both of them passed away in a car crash when I was very young. We used to be residents of the United States but after their death, I was brought back to Korea by my aunt. My old aunt, before dying, left me with Mrs. Lee, her employer. I remember very less about them, but a few memories, still, remain vivid. They loved me endlessly, my parents and my aunt. I guess time wanted us apart. 

"I can help you with your studies, I guess. And you can come to work after school," Jun said, smiling. Wasn't he opposed to the idea just a while ago? 

"Thanks a lot," I bowed. "The both of you are the reason why I have a roof over my head and I am doing well for myself. And now you're both even agreeing to provide for my education.'' I said, a little teary-eyed. "I'll return back everything that I owe you in installments," I smiled.

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