Chapter 38 - Future Wife

Start from the beginning

"How did you know I'm here?" were the first words I said. Yeah, how did he know my place?

The moment that I spoke, he came into my apartment, not even waiting for an invitation! The jerk!

"Nigel! Why in heavens are you here?" I queried in utter disbelief.

The man, who appeared to be deaf of my questions, went straight to my couch in my tiny living room and sat there. "I needed some sleep," he enunciated, looking at me.

Oh, gosh! This was crazy! Did he really have to fly from the capital just to sleep here?

"And whatever made you think that this is the right place for you to sleep? Are you going to steal again my bed tonight? Are you out of your mind?" I bombarded him questions as I went near him.

"Really?" he eyed me meaningfully and sexily. "You're gonna let me be on your bed?"


I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest. "You wish!"

He smirked.

"Please, I don't want you here," I said, sending him the message that I totally wanted him out of my place.

If I could only drag him to the doorway, I'd definitely do it. Too bad, I didn't have enough power.

And my heart had been a jerk as well. It had been pumping like crazy.

He didn't answer me, instead, leaving his dress shirt on, he took off his suit jacket and his tie and hang them on the headrest of the couch. Then, he proceeded taking off his shoes as well. Later, he plunged his whole body on the couch with his head placed on the armrest and his feet still on socks on the other side of the couch.

"Please, get out!" I shouted at him.

"Don't yell at me, princess. The neighbors would hear you," he said, crossing his arms on his chest and closing his eyes.

The neighbors? Yeah, of course, the couple with a baby next door and the gossipy spinster in the other door!

How did he know about the neighbors?

I stared at him. Indeed, looking very exhausted while lying there, he closed his eyes.

For minutes, I stood there staring at him with my big, wide eyes. This was absolutely insane! How did he even get here? How did he know that I was staying here?

Suddenly, I smelled something was getting burned and it obviously came from the kitchen. I hurriedly rushed towards that place and what exactly met my eyes was the burning pasta sauce in the pan.

Oh, crap! Sometimes, luck was just not in our side!


Fortunately, I was able to prevent fire by dipping the pan in the sink full of water. Sweat started to appear in my forehead.


I had to be really careful next time.

Gosh! It looked like I was not going to take my meal tonight.

Definitely the downside of losing one's wits.


Remembering about my unwanted visitor, I went back to the living room. Looking very comfortable on where he was lying, though the poor couch couldn't hold much of his tall and brawny built, Nigel was already sleeping. His chest was steadily moving up and down in peaceful slumber.

As in really sleeping?

You've got to be kidding me!

Not knowing what to do, I paced around the living room. Why are you here? Why?

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