Grazing the Surface

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(tw: blood, guns, descriptions of pain, and (non-sexually) 

"Are you done getting in my way?"

You blinked a few times, watching the barrel of the gun point between your eyes.

"You're just a dirty monster fucker, aren't you? People, if I can even call you that, deserve to die. If I pull the trigger, I'm only doing the rest of the population some justice," his face was smug, uncaring.


His name was Jonathan.

Not that it mattered much.

You knew you were dead in a manner of seconds.

You took a deep, shaky breath - your hands trembling. Tears were beginning to prick your eyes but you would not cry. Not here, not now.

Not for someone like him.

"Look, let's just calm down," your voice didn't quiver. You stood up tall and your voice was stronger than you had ever remembered it being, "I think you guys are making an awful mistake. This kind of stuff can stick with you for life."

"So," you breathed, "Why don't we just put the gun down and just go our separate ways, yeah?"

"Sans, don't move ," Undyne's voice was a hushed whisper, clearly heard throughout the silence of the crowd, " Just stay right where you are for now. "

" undyne. " Sans sounded angry, " you can't expect me to- "

" I'm expecting you to play it safe," Undyne interrupted, "for her safety. "

Jonathan cracked a malicious smile, "Why don't I just shoot you? Be a lot easier for everyone involved, you seem expandable anyways."

Why wasn't anyone calling the cops? Hell, why wasn't there a goddamn police officer in sight?

"I-I don't mean to anger you or anyone else," you sounded desperate, terrified, "I want you to think about your future."

He smirked, "I am thinking about my future. I'm thinking about the future of humanity. "

You heard a clicking sound.



Time felt like it moved slowly at that point, like life was turned to slow motion. The next few moments felt so clear, and felt so long. It felt like hours had passed, not only less than a few seconds.

The sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the area, and screams were heard from shopkeepers and customers. Undyne cursed loudly but you couldn't quite make it out. You assumed it was something vulgar because that's just who she was.

You closed your eyes and waited for the inevitable.

Goodbye, everyone...

Then immense amounts of pressure were forced upon you, like a boulder had just landed on your body. You opened your eyes immediately as you felt yourself being pushed to the side. But no one was there, it was just like you had teleported.


Suddenly, immense amounts of pain hit your arm. Your other hand went straight to it, feeling and holding onto the source of pain. You felt warm, hot liquid rush down your hands and through your sweater.

You dropped down to your knees and screamed, wailing in pain.

The delinquents watched you for a moment, before thinking better of it, and then ran away. Jonathan stared daggers at you then ran along with his friends, the crowd of people making a small exit for them.

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