Meeting Again

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The Sansmaster: what's up, kiddo?
_: Sans? Why are you texting me at one a.m.
The Sansmaster: alphys told me you have an astronomy book at your bookstore.
_: Can I ask a few questions? Number one, why are you two talking about this right now. And two, why do you need to know this right now.
The Sansmaster: did i wake u up? sorry. this is important though. alphys and i were talking about science and i need to know if you have an astronomy book still. we were talking about it earlier, though.
_: You didn't... I have a copy or two left at the store. I can probably save one for you if you need it.
The Sansmaster: thanks a skele-ton.
_: Does this mean I get to see you at my work?
The Sansmaster: it might.
_: Undyne isn't going to be pleased.
The Sansmaster: i do get under her scales.
_: You should really get to bed.
The Sansmaster: never. sleep is for the weak.
_: Knock knock.
The Sansmaster: are you trying to seduce me at this time of night? shame on you, _.
_: Haha. Just answer my damn joke, bonehead.
The Sansmaster: who's there?
_: Hugo.
The Sansmaster: hugo who?
_: Hugo to bed now.
The Sansmaster: ok, ok. see you tomorrow? the bookstore on crest street right
_: That's the one.
The Sansmaster: night.
_: Goodnight, Sansypants.

"Okay, okay," Undyne huffed, "Let me get this straight."

You rolled your eyes at your friend, aimlessly putting price stickers on the haul of new books. The books were a wonderful array – full of science fiction, classics, nonfiction, young adult, children's books... It was a bookworm's dream. Owning a bookstore was the dream.

It was just that it felt more like a hassle sometimes.

"Sans," Undyne stared daggers at you, "Sans the skeleton, I might add, texted you around one in the morning asking about a goddamn science book?"
You nodded, "Yep."
"WHY?" Undyne shouted, making an echo go around the store.

You shrugged.

"I don't know."

You lifted your head from your work and were greeted to a judgemental look from Undyne. You stared back for a moment before you started giggling. Undyne rolled her eye back at you.

"That skeleton is one lazy-"
"Lazybones?" You added, knowing Undyne and Papyrus's 'hatred' of awful puns.
Undyne groaned loudly, "_, OH MY GOD. NOT YOU TOO!"

You smiled wider.

"UGH," Undyne slapped her forehead, "I hate Sans... And I hate you too."

Suddenly, you felt awful, praying you didn't upset her, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything wrong..."
Undyne sighed, "You're such a dweeb. I'm just kidding with ya."
You took a deep breath, wiping your palms on your jeans, "...'M sorry."

Undyne shook her head at you, frowning.

"While I," you started before she could say anything, "I don't really know why Sans is coming over, I'm pretty sure it's because of that astronomy book Alphys and you looked at a long time ago."
Undyne lifted an eyebrow, "Huh?"
"On your first day," you said, "Alphys and you looked through a book about astronomy and had commented that your friend Sans would've liked it. I guess Alphys must've told him about it."

"Wait, wait, wait." Undyne seemed genuiley confused, "We told Sans about that months ago."
It was your turn to be surprised, "H-huh?"

Undyne took a moment before responding, "DUDE. OH MY GOD."
You stared at her while she started laughing loudly, clutching her stomach, "What?"

"I can't believe Sans, out of all people..." She said inbetween laughs, "...Ah, screw it!"
"Undyne?" you said quietly, extremely confused.

You watched the fish monster chuckle loudly as she bent over and clutched her stomach. Her laughs filled the entire room, and she even got to the point where she needed to take deep breaths to keep laughing. You stared at her with confusion for the entire time

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