I blushed from embarrassment, but tried to play It off, “You’ve had my spit in your mouth, why not my pillow?”

He eyes widened for a second in shock since I’m usually not this straight forward, then his features formed into his regular smirk and I knew I was in for trouble. “I wouldn’t mind some more of that spit in my mouth.” He said in a low suggestive voice while pulling me closer. And before I know it we’re in a full on make out session only to be interrupted by someone at the door.

“I think you should let Holly get ready, we’re leaving in 30mins.” Dylan said from the door. When I looked over he got a cloudy disturbed look over his face that he always had when he sees me and Deven together, he also looked like he’d been standing there watching us for a while. See what I told you about creepy.

“Oh ok, I didn’t know we we’re that long.”And with that he got up and walked to the door before looking back over his shoulder, “See you downstairs.” Then he winked and ran off.

Sometimes I worry about that boy, I thought to myself as I got up to get ready for school.


Although I’ve been back for a while people still don’t fail to stare at us when we step out of the car, even though I think they are staring at the sexy boys coming out of the car and not me. A flock of girls came flying at the car once they noticed Deven and Dylan and Matt so I silently snuck out by them to find Emma.

Saying that all the attention Deven was getting from the female population wasn’t bothering me would be lying, but I know that he doesn’t like any of them and doesn’t show much interest in them. He’s just nice enough to them to not be rude but not giving them any invitations to become closer to him, that doesn’t mean that the girls stop trying though.

What surprised me a lot when I got back to school was that Dylan had given up his player status. He used to live to use girls and then throw them away, but now he doesn’t even try to hide his disgust in them.

When I finally met up with Emma she caught me staring at the boys and gave me a sympathetic look, “Don’t stress over that, girl, Deven’s not even flirting back, which would be pretty hard for any guy when that many girls are shoving their boobs in his face.”

“Ya I know, lets just forget about that now though.” I said thankfully but wanting to move on to a different topic.

“Ok well, did Deven ask you yet?”

“Ask me what?” I asked confused.

“Ask you to prom silly! It’s only next week so he’s got you ask you soon. This reminds me, we are going dress shopping after school tomorrow and finding us the perfect dresses. God, I can’t believe we haven’t got them yet.” Emma ranted enthusiastically.

“I cant go dress shopping if I don’t even know if im going yet.”

“What?! Why wouldn’t you go?”

“Well Deven hasn’t asked me and I don’t want to go to prom alone.”

“He’s going to ask you, don’t worry about that, he’s probably just nervous. But even if he doesn’t ask you, which he will, you’re coming. I don’t care if I have to drag that pretty little bum of yours all the way to the school myself.”

I one look at her unmovable face and I knew I and lost the battle, “Fine ok I’ll go, but if I’m stuck there all alone while you dance with your date for too long I’m leaving.”

“Ok but how do you know I even had a date? I could be going solo.”

“Emma, when was the last time you did ANYTHING solo? You have a date.”

“Ya I do” she replied cheekily, “He’s Kenny from my science class and he’s soooooo sweat and innocent.”

I scoffed, “He wont be so innocent after your done with him” I winked and Emma was about to retort back but the guys arrived, ending our conversation.

“You guys ready to get to class?” Matt asked. We nodded and Deven took my hand and walked me to class.

I really hope he asks me to prom.


Hey Guys!

Yes I uploaded even though I said I wasn’t going to until 7 votes but I just couldn’t let down the fans that actually loved this story so I put up this chapter.

But just to let you guys know that from now on I wont upload till I get 4 votes. 4 is all im asking for.

This story has about 4-5 chapters to go before its finished just giving you all a heads upp.

Anyway Vote/Comment/Fan!


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