Chapter one: Apple or chocolate??

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"Why is break always so boring?" I said, looking towards the three girls sat with me. My best friends Fran, Fia and Fordie. Ok Fordie is really called Charlotte but we all call her Fordie.

Fordie only came to our school three years ago but we've been best friends ever since.
"I dunno, I wanna get an apple, can we go to my classroom?" Said Charlotte looking hopeful. She was in a different class to us as she has Mr O'negative where as us three have Miss Panther.

"And by apple, do u mean chocolate bar?" Fran questioned sarcastically, as per usual. I don't like her really. She is a very annoying person if I'm completely honest. I've never liked her, she's just irritating. (Quickly note, Fran is actually my best friend now but I didn't used to like her so... But not hate her this much!! 😂😂)

"Maybe..." Charlotte said, guiltily looking down at the ground.
"Omg Charlotte," I said laughing,"Typical!"
"Let's go then," Fia said as she stood up and started walking away.
"Wait for us Fia!" Fran shouted as we all ran toward Fia and entered the school building.
Ok so in our school, we have three parts. The foundation stage area which is a mobile that they get, the ks1 area which is four classrooms in a small corridor with a set of double doors at the end and the ks2 area which everything after that. Mr O'negative's classroom was on the corridor that was joined straight after the double doors.

As we walked down the corridor to the classroom, Fia kept telling us about the story she was writing. (go follow X_AngelWithAShotgun cause her stories are amaz, just saying!) As we approached the classroom, I fell against the wall dramatically.

That's when a loud noise came from behind me. "What was that?" I said, stepping away from the wall and seeing a vent cover.
"I dunno.." Fran said as her and Fordie came over to me. Fia being the only brave one, walked up to the vent and looked inside.
"It's too dark, I can't see inside," Fia said finally, standing up.

"I have an idea," I said, grabbing a penny of the floor and using it to unscrew the vent thing.
"What are you doing?" Charlotte questioned, looking up and down the corridor for any teachers.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" I said, concentrating on the vent,"I'm looking inside."

"What if we get caught?" Charlotte asked, still looking around.
"Then we'll kill the teachers," Fran said, looking at Charlotte with fake seriousness.
"We can't do th... Wait you were being sarcastic, weren't you..." Charlotte said dumbfound.

"It's off," I said in triumphant pulling the metal away and placing it to the side. Cautiously putting my hand in the hole, I felt around until I felt something cold and hard. Grabbing it I pulled it out. Slowly I turned around to show the girls what it was.

"It's a doll..." Charlotte said in amazement.
"No shit Sherlock!" Fran said, looking amused at Charlottes shocked reaction.
"Why was there a doll up there?" I said looking at the two of them until I realised Fia was gone.

"Guys I think there's a light up there..." A voice from behind me said. Fia. I turned around and saw her pulling her head out the hole and standing up whilst sorting out her dark(almost black, I think it's black but she says it's not) brown hair.

"So a creepy doll just happens to fall from what seems like a lit space when this school isn't supposed to have an attic at all," I said, stating the obvious.
"Well this day just got more interesting," Fran said looking at us all.
"Yes it did," Fia said.
Charlotte walks over to the classroom door and says, "So should I go get my apple now or what?"

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