He's actually.. Kind of cute

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-Souji's day-

Souji Okita is a pretty popular guy, not exactly popular as in he has a lot of friends, of course he did have quite a few of them but he was more popular in the sense of his looks. Since there aren't that many girls on his school it's mostly outside of it, at his working place. He works at a butler cafe called Fleeting Blossom, not only is he the most liked of the cafe itself he also is the most popular butler of all the cafes located in Akihabara. Sometimes, these otaku like people visited the cafe, most of the times he got annoyed by them but then he met a certain someone that was going to change that.

"Hey.. Souji" Souji blinked in slight confusion before turning his head around, now facing the boy that spoke to him "Yeah what is it?" The boy harshly hit his shoulder while grinning "You're working today right? At what time?" He furrowed his brows as if thinking and answered "Pretty much after school why? Do we have a shift together?" The boy nodded "We do~ Say how do you do? Win over all those girls, they literally throw themselfs on you, I'm so jealous you know? I can't even get a girl to talk to me.. Well except when I'm working but.. Tell me your secrets!" Souji snorted at the man's despair and he looked around, spotting a brown haired boy with glasses, then he shrugged and turned his head back to his friend and co-worker "I don't do anything it just kind of happens I guess, I'm just that awesome. So I have no secrets to tell you, sorry~" He grins before spotting the slightly sad face of his friend and pats him on the back "You can have them if you want, I don't really care whether or not I have fangirls anyway, first you got to find a way to win them over though" The boy shook his head before speaking "You're really cruel do you know that? These girls are all over you and you don't even bat an eye... Are you gay or something?" Souji's eyes widen slightly before lowering them into a cold glare, then he crosses his arms and sighs. Not even bothering to answer he turns on his heel and walks away "Goodbye~ See you at the cafe"


He quickly walked out of his classroom and out of the school, even though he was allowed to leave earlier than his classmates he still didn't want to risk getting late, running late for school is one thing but if he runs late for his parttime job he might get fired, which means no money.
He quickly steps on to his bike and heads towards the cafe, when he arrives he rushes in as he greets his co-workers that were already there, he sighed deeply when he heard the costumers talking about him, even though it were mostly praises, they could still get annoying, they didn't really know him after all.

He rushed to a secluded room where he could change into his butler uniform and walked out again. Not long after he was finished changing he heard the bell of the front door ring, signaling there was a costumer. Not having anything to do anyway he walked towards the figure at the door. When he saw the boy he started complaining in his head right away, why was there a boy here? He has only seen boys that sometimes come along with their girlfriends, but never a boy alone. Then he scanned him up and down, seriously? Another otaku, when will they stop coming here? He quickly looked around to see if there was someone else to serve the man but everyone was busy. Why me? He asked himself, but he soon shook his feeling of displeasure off.
Showing off his usual smirk as he made a small bow "Welcome Master, please take a seat" He gestures at an empty table but soon noticed the man's stare, he raised his brow when he saw the man blushing and supressed a loud snort. Soon the man walked to his seat muttering a "Thank you" Souji followed him to his seat but first he muttered to himself "Even the boys huh?"

Once he reached the man's seat he spoke up again "What can I get for you Master?" He wrote down his order and bowed before leaving, soon coming back with his food, once he places the food on his table he heard the man talking "Now~ The taste test" Souji quickly brought his hand to his own mouth trying not to laugh loudly, instead a small chuckle left his lips, deciding to tease his costumer ever so slightly he spoke "I hope it will be to your liking Master" A wide grin tugged on his lips when noticing that he had made the man more embarrassed than before, though it wasn't just that, he felt something else, was it attraction? The boy was rather cute, he had to admit it, and he seemed nice as well. Not wanting to think about it any further he excused himself and moved towards a girl that just stepped into the building.

When he noticed the man was done eating he decided to head towards him, just so he could speak to him again. "Did you enjoy your food Master? Do you wish anything else?" He nodded at the man's answer and wanted to talk away again, but he didn't get the chance as he heard the boy's voice again "H-hey.. Can I know your name?" Slightly caught of guard by his question he took a moment before answering "It's Souji.. Why do you want to know? Are you planning to come back and then ask if I can serve you?" He smirked throughout their whole conversation as he saw the boy scramble for words, trying to deny what was said by Souji himself.
When the boy said something about him being familiar he thought for a second "Familiar?" suddenly thinking back at luch break, the boy he saw sitting there is the same person as the one he's talking to right now. "Well it's possible you have seen me around, maybe we go to the same school or maybe you've seen me walking around on the streets" For some reason he didn't mention they were in fact going to the same school, he tries to think about why he didn't say it but soon snapped out of his thoughts by the man's voice "My name is Heisuke by the way. It's getting pretty late so I ought to go now, bye!" When Heisuke walked towards the door, Souji followed close behind, again scanning the man, but this time in a slightly different manner. He moved his gaze back when he heared the door knob turn "Have a safe trip Master, I hope you'll come back for me soon" Once he saw the man leaving he went back to his work again, serving other costumers until his shift ended.


Souji was now sitting on his couch, absentmindedly watching the tv as he thought back at his day at at work. More like he thought of the boy he served today. He was really cute, why couldn't he stop thinking about him though? Oh how badly did he want to talk to Heisuke again and to maybe touch him as well, is that inappropiate? He shrugged at that thought and continues on further, did he like him maybe? Did he just fall in love with a costumer he served? Is this feeling what people call love at first sight?
"Love at first sight huh..? Christ.. What have I gotten myself into"

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