Maybe I should take a look..

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//First of all I want to say, this is litally my first time writing a story, so sorry if it sucks lmao, I actually have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me please (Sounds promising already am I ryt?).

If there are any mistakes in my grammar or spelling I'm sowwy as well, English is not my native language after all~. Aanndd I think that's it, I hope it's not too bad and that there are some peoples out there that enjoy this piece of.. literature xD (Such writing skills wow) *whispers* I apologize for all the cheesy names and the cheesyness that might lay ahead.//

-Heisuke's day-

Heisuke Toudou is a typical nerd or otaku, he wears glasses, absolutely loves anime and can play his video games without a break. Though it's not like he has no friends, on the contrary he has a few of them, due to his cheerful and outgoing personality a lot of people at his school knew and liked him. This is how he initially went to check out that butler cafe located somewhere in his favourite place to hang out, Akihabara. It wasn't like he didn't know it excisted, it's just that he never really bothered to check it out since it's just full of drooling fangirls, but it didn't take long until he became a fanboy of one of the butler's working there himself.

''Ah, Heisuke-kun!'' Completely emerged in his video game he didn't hear the voice of his childhood friend Chizuru. ''Heisuke-kun!'' after the girl shouted his name a few times he finally looked up. ''Huh..? Chizuru-chan? What is it? C'mon I almost finished this level, can you wait for a bit?'' Noticing he still hasn't eaten even though he has a break right now he quickly shoves some food in his mouth before moving his gaze back to the psp in his hands, tilting it slightly so that the girl couldn't see what he was doing. ''Stop playing for a while, you need to eat Heisuke-kun or else you might feel unwell during class'' His childhood friend looked at him with a stern look so he sighed and put his psp down ''Alright, I'll eat, why did you come here though? Do you need to talk about something?'' He reached for his bento and starts eating as he listens to what the girl has to say. ''You're pretty familiar with Akihabara right? Do you know about that cafe called 'Fleeting Blossom'?'' He gives the girl a few nods as he keeps eating ''Well, I was talking about it with Sen yesterday and she asked if I wanted to go with her. So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me, I've heard it looks really nice and that the food is really good'' She clapped her hands together in excitement '' Not to mention.. The employees working there'' Heisuke raised his brow slightly in curiousity but soon dismissed it and started speaking ''That butler cafe? There's no way I'm going there Chizuru-chan come on now, you just go with your friends, I don't want to go'' He soon heard to school bell ring and walked back to class.


At the end of the school day he for some reason was still thinking about that cafe his childhood friend Chizuru mentioned, it had peeked his interest quite badly ''Maybe I should go.. I did hear a lot of good things about it.. It can't hurt to just take a look right?'' He nodded to himself and a grin made it's way on his face. He quickly made his way to his bike and hopped on it before making his way to Akihabara, the butler cafe 'Fleeting Blossom' in specific. He parked his bike somewhere near the cafe and later slowly opened the door to the cafe, he peeked his head in before stepping inside, he heard a little bell ringing when he opened the door and he saw a butler swiftly making his way to where Heisuke stood. He looked around in awe for a while, noticing how fancy it looked from the inside, the cafe's main colours seemed to be white, gold and red. He snapped out of his daze when he hears someone talk ''Welcome Master, please take a seat'' he noticed the butler bowing slightly before pointing his hand to a table, Heisuke stared at the man for a while, noticing how handsome he actually was. Brown hair that was on the short side with beautiful emerald eyes, not to mention the smile on the man's face, actually it would be more proper to decribe it as a smirk. Heisuke felt his cheeks heat up slightly at the sight of the man that seemed slightly familiar for some reason, was he a student at his school as well? His train of thoughts stopped when he realized he had been staring into the man's eyes, he quickly moved his gaze to his table as he muttered a ''Thank you'' not soon after he walked towards it and sat down on his seat.

He prayed the butler that was coming for his order wasn't the same brunette, but his prayers weren't heard as he sees the same man standing next to his seat ''What can I get for you Master?'' A small grin made it's way to Heisuke's face again, kind of liking the 'Master' part. He placed his order and after a while of waiting he got his food, and as expected, it looked really good. ''Now~ The taste test~'' not realizing he said that out loud he heard the butler that was still next to him chuckle softly. ''I hope it will be to your liking Master'' He kept his gaze glued on his food as an embarrassed chuckle made it's way past his lips ''D-did I say that out loud..? Well.. It looks and smells good! So I'm sure it'll taste good!'' He quickly took a bite as he looks up to the man next to his table ''Oh, it really does taste good..'' He swallowed his food and gave the man a grin, a grin made it's way to the other man's face as well as he speaks up ''I'll be sure to tell our cook that, now if you will excuse me'' The man again bowed to him and walked away, taking care of the next costumer coming in.

He pouts slightly about the fact that the man left, he actually enjoyed his company, but a few seconds later he shrugged and continued to eat his food. But why was this guy still on his mind? He asked himself, it's not like he was anything special, right? Even though he kept telling himself that, the picture of the butler that took care of him kept popping up in his head. He shook his head a bit and finished his food, waiting for the butler to come back for his now empty plate, not too long after he finished he walked towards him again ''Did you enjoy your food Master? Do you wish anything else?'' Heisuke looked at the man for a while before finally speaking up ''Hm! I did, the food is really good, and no I'm good, I'm actually kind of full already'' He giggled slightly and paused for a second, trying to build up some confidence. ''H-Hey.. Can I know your name?'' He looked at the man's face and he saw him thinking for a second ''It's Souji.. Why do you want to know?'' A smug smirk made it's way to Souji's face ''Are you planning to come back and then ask if I can serve you?'' Slightly startled that the brunette knew his underlying intentions Heisuke's eyes widen ever so slightly as an almost unnoticible blush creeps upon his cheeks ''H-huh? Of course not, I just wanted to know.. Because.. You seemed familiar? Yeah!'' He nodded at his own words.

''Familiar?'' As Souji spoke up Heisuke thought he wasn't buying his excuse at all, he only saw the smirk on the man's face getting bigger and his eyes getting narrower as he stares down at him. ''Well it's possible you have seen me around, maybe we go to the same school or maybe you've seen me walking around on the streets'' Heisuke sighed in relief, thinking that the man believed him ''My name is Heisuke by the way'' He gave the man a grin before putting down some money as he stands up. He then gave the butler a small wave ''It's getting pretty late so I ought to go now, bye!'' He moved towards the door but saw the butler following him close behind, just when he reached for the door knob he heared his voice again ''Have a safe trip Master, I hope you'll come back for me soon'' Come back for him? He quickly stepped outside of the cafe ''Why would he think I'd go back for him..?'' he mumbled those words to himself as he hops on his bike once again, ready to head home.


Heisuke was now laying in his bed, as much as he wanted to sleep right now, he couldn't, his thoughts kept trailing off to the butler Souji. Why? It wasn't like he actually started crushing on him.. Right? No it can't be, he only met him once and knows nothing more than his first name. But he surely was handsome, not to mention very tall as well. ''Goddamnit..'' He huffs in annoyance not sure what to think of this, maybe he should head back to Fleeting Blossom again, surely when he sees Souji again he'll know he doesn't have a crush on him. But what if he does have a crush on the green eyed man, it's not like he'll like him back, he probably doesn't even like guys and if he did he wouldn't choose for someone like him, that's what he believed, why would someone as Souji, that looks like he could be the most popular person at school ever fall for.. well a four eyed otaku like him?

Love At First Sightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن