Chapter 32

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Genevieve pulled away from me abruptly, looking very surprised at the words that came out of my mouth.

"Bridget... I don't know..."

My face fell and I could feel my cheeks grow hot. Maybe that was more of a jump than I thought. I was about to open my mouth to tell her to just forget it until she said,

"Isn't that a complicated and expensive process? Even if I'm not part of an orphanage?"

I ponder this for a second. I have no idea how that was supposed to work. I wonder if anyone did. A case like Genevieve's was pretty rare.

"Whatever it takes would be worth it," I reassure her.

Then I add, "And by no means am I trying to give you a "replacement family." It's just... You deserve people around you that can help you whenever you need it."

She let a smile escape her lips. Then, she raised her eyes from the ground and looked out into the horizon.

"I don't know honestly. It not you. It's just that I'm not sure how I'd adjust to living in a house again."

She looks at me and laughs a little.

"I must sound like a complete idiot," she says.

I shake my head slowly.

"Not at all," I say but mostly because o don't want to offend her.

But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. How does it feel to sleep under the stars every night? Experience the sunrise every morning and watch it set each night?

"That makes more sense than you know," I say.

But I still beg her to at least think about accepting the request. I know I haven't even talked to my parents but... I'm hopeful they'll accept.

Genevieve nods and answers with,

"I'll pray on it."

Then, she lies down in the grass. I lie next to her.

We just lay in silence for a moment. Then I prop myself up on one arm and ask,

"How did Austin know Lacy?"

Genevieve turns her head to look at me and sighs really deeply. Then she looks back at the sky.

"Bridget there's something you should know about Lacy."

My face bunches up in confusion.

"What?" I ask warily.

Genevieve mirrors me, propping herself up in her arm.

"Lacy was the brightest face in that hospital. I feel like her condition was the worst out of all the kids but I've heard her complain maaaayybe once. She was always insisting the doctors let her get up and go see the other kids. She was allowed, but had to stay a distance from most of them cause ya know... Germs."

I listened intently, willing myself not to break down meanwhile.

"She even overheard someone talking about one of the teens needing a kidney transplant," she continues.

"I don't think she even knew what a kidney was but she volunteered hers," she says smiling that sad smile again.

"Of course they didn't do the operation. Lacy's weren't any better than the kid that needed the transplant."

All this just emphasized the fact that Lacy was a sweet girl. I had no idea where she was going with this.

"Austin just got released from the hospital. He and Lacy were reaaally close. Lacy even told him that'd she pray for him to get better, even if she had to die."

I gulp trying to contain myself and then asked, "What are you saying?"

Genevieve lay back on the ground.

"I call it an awful coincidence but Austin keeps saying her prayers were answered exactly and the only reason he's out is because she..."

I shake my head and blink up at the sky.

"Bridget you don't believe God... Took her home because of that do you?" Genevieve asks concerned.

"Should I?" I whisper timidly.

"No... Oh Bridget," she comforts me.

"No, I feel God saw what a beautiful heart she had and was sharing with everyone. She went through a lot on her seven years Bridget," she said before adding,

"She's probably in Jesus' arms, happier than ever, as we speak."

I can't hold the tears anymore.

"But Genevieve... Why'd God take her so soon? She could've made such a positive impact...."

Genevieve starts crying again too.

"Bridget I told you I don't have all the answers..." she replies apologetically.

I sniff and nod. Taking a long look at Genevieve, I realize I owe her so much gratitude.

"Thanks Gen. Without you... I wouldn't even know Lacy was less than a mile away," I say, attempting a smile.

Her lips twitch up at the corners like they want to form a smile back but can't hold their position. We both lay on our backs again gazing at the early morning sky.

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