The Truth

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People always walk around throughout the day, talking and talking for ages on end but then comes night when everyone goes to bed, safe and sound, or as you may think. Have you ever wondered what really happens during the dark hours or do you already know?

"Oi! Little girl! What are you doing out here?"

Three pale creatures closed in on me, smirking. "You lost?"

I look up, "No, are you?"

The two at the side look to the large one in the middle.

The large one speaks up, "You really shouldn't be saying things like that to creatures like us."

I smile, looking straight towards them, "Oh, I know."

Around me I pulse my magic, ice magic at that, showing them that they were picking on the wrong person. I'd seen vampires like these before, stupid really, and quite useless.

They start to step back as my magic starts to freeze the ground around me, "W-we b-b-best be going..." They say and run away.

I stop, everything goes back to normal and I think about life. Being a 13 year old girl all alone was fun.

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