Chapter 20: Gray vs. Colenburn!

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Hello, everyone! ♥ Here is the next chapter, haha! Oh, and please forgive me for making such a short chapter! Although, I'm kinda running on a time here so I wanted to be safe before I had to leave for Volleyball! ♥ So, please forgive me for that! I'll try and update soon again, I promise! I have to take a shower and get ready...If I have time (which I'm sure I will) I'll go and try to update the next chapter! I hope you like this chapter, despite the length though. ^-^; I dedicate this chapter to akiko_18. c: I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and remember; feedback is very much appreciated~! Until next time, minna!

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 As Gray sailed through the air and dropped to the ground, he watched as Colenburn pulled himself up to his feet, rubbing at the side of his mouth.

Gray smirked.  "Looks like you're the one who's losing."

Colenburn smirked, though he didn't say anything.

There's something I've noticed.  Gray thought, his expression hardening.  Whichever element Colenburn uses it's the same color.  

So..when he uses fire, the ring that will appear underneath me will be red.  When it's water, it'll be blue, and so on.  Gray wondered through his mind.

I think I can use that to my advantage.

Deciding to go with it, Gray rotated his arm.  "Let's finish this, then!"

Without warning, Colenburn lunged forward, multiple rings appearing on the ground.  This caught Gray slightly by surprise, and saw as a red, blue, and white rings sailed towards him and in front of Colenburn.  Jumping out of the way just as all of the rings meshed together, ice, water, and fire exploded from underneath Gray.  However, he cleared it and dropped to the ground a few feet away.

"You can use multiple at a time?"  Gray commented, his face strained.

Colenburn smirked.

Returning the grin, Gray prepared himself.  "Well then, I guess you're serious.  However, to keep you from running..."

"Ice Make: Rampart!"

Throwing his arms out, a giant wall stretched up out of the ground and straight up, surprising Colenburn.  It blocked Gray and Colenburn from getting anywhere near the Venom Strike Headquaters.

"Ice Make: Sword!"  Gray exclaimed, running forward with the sword in his hand.

Recovering, Colenburn ducked as Gray swung his sword over his head, and pressed his hand to the ground.  As a ring appeared underneath Gray again, he though fast and jumped into the air.  However, the ring followed him, and went ahead and shot seething-hot water straight into the air.  It slammed into Gray, and he felt his sword melt instantly in his hand.

"I-It's hot!"  Gray exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Colenburn smirked, throwing his arm out and having another ring appear next to him, this one red.  As fire shot up into the air, it bent and headed for Gray, flying dangerously close to his exposed-back.

Gray's hair moved through the water, and he shut one eye as the water grew hotter because of the fire.  Steam gathered in the area, and Gray could feel the hot water begin to sear his skin.

"Don't think you've out-done me yet..!"  Gray exclaimed, grunting as he pushed against the waters current and threw his hands down.

"Ice Make: Freeze!"

Fairy Tail: The Legend of Etheoria (4th Book In the "Intertwined Fates" Series!)Where stories live. Discover now