Americano (EXTRA)

Start from the beginning

"Huh?!" I wouldn't have cared if it wasn't for the fact it was so close to where I lived; the last thing I needed was for this guy to figure out where I stayed. "No way! Can't we just go somewhere else?"

"What are you so panicky for? It's just a coffee shop. Don't tell me you're scared of trying new things." I was going to refute but he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to walk with him. "Let's go."

What choice did I have but to take him there? It was a small, grey cornerstone shop with a red and gold sign. The place was an old noodle shop before it became a Western café, so everything inside still had the layout and feel of an authentic Chinese food place. As we walked inside the mostly empty cafe, He Tian went right up to the front counter and I followed suit. A young woman smiled and greeted us as we came near.

"What d'you want from here?" He Tian asked me.

"I dunno. Like I said, I've never been here." He Tian looked up at the menu board for a moment.

"I'll have a red bean latte, and my friend here will have an Americano," he requested to the cashier. The lady rung up the total and He Tian took out his money. I tried to do the same, but he stopped me. "Hey, I got this," he said.

"No way, I can pay for myself," I retorted.

"Don't be unreasonable."

"I'm not!"

"I'm just saying I'll pay, what's wrong with that? After all, I'm afraid this will break the bank, what with you being so poor." And with that he handed the woman his money, leaving me to scowl at him.

"We'll have your drinks out in a moment," she told us. He Tian thanked her and walked over to a booth near the veranda. He chuckled as I continued to scowl at him, and I turned my attention out the window.

"Don't be so sour, you know it's true."

"Shut up. You didn't have to announce it to everyone," I muttered.

"If by 'everyone' you mean the cashier, then I apologize," he sarcastically responded. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat. Not too long after, the woman came from behind the counter and presented us with our drinks. I took a look at mine, which was this oddly light colored drink that swirled.

"What the hell is this?"

"An Americano, an espresso."

"...and what's an espresso?"

"A kind of coffee. Do you seriously know nothing?"

"Well it's not like I drink this every damn day." I stared at it for a while, noticing the odd smell that steamed up. This is what coffee smells like? Not really caring anymore, I shrugged and took a huge gulp. The strong taste hit me and almost spit it out on the table. He Tian almost fell over laughing while I forced down the liquid and coughed uncontrollably. It was so fucking bitter, how gross!

"Wha-- people-- actually drink this?!" He Tian didn't answer, but kept on laughing, which really pissed me off. "Quit it, it wasn't that funny."

"I see you're not keen on the taste," he remarked after he settled down.

"No shit, it's disgusting! Is it always this bitter?"

"Nah, it's sometimes sweet." He held up his cup to me. "Try mine."

"Your mouth has been all over that."

"Don't be a girl, it's not like I have cooties."

"That's not the issue here," I snapped.

"Come on, don't be scared." He still held it out to me, and I reluctantly grabbed the cup and took a sip. It was an extremely sweet-- not too much that it was overbearing, but it was a good taste.

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