Helpful trust 9/2/15

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People can help other people. Usually people just think that it is a bad thing cause people believe that they can't be trustworthy or someone who isn't good for them which makes me feel sad from them since, they forgot something or left the something somewhere, or even got it lost or stollen!!! I would do it since I am smart to do something nice, to mark something on my supplies to tell that it is mind. I feel like I can trust others. I repect others who have the caution to other people. I usually think that I am the dumb one in the group, but actually I am the hated one. One of my sisters friend says " in 2 months, you won't be hated". Hey I just want to help. I am the shy one so, usually I depend on a person to talk first then me. I am scared that something going to happen to me or something's going to happen when in 5th grade. I want a normal life where I can help everyone and they know me. I just want to be helpful, I want to help everyone but no one in the world have helped everyone or solved every single promblem. People in my class says, " we can't trust anyone" which makes me feel sad. This moment made me feel like we are not family or friends. Today reminded me of bad memories. I just want to help everyone, I want to be trusted

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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