Chapter 24. Secret's Out

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Oh, umm yeah. Maybe I just have a fever," I brought my hand up to my forehead and felt it, it wasn't warm.

Mina walked over and felt it as well. "It doesn't seem like it. Maybe you're just warm from being under the covers. Well, come on, breakfast's ready!"

Mina's POV (at school)

"Oh my God! Is that her?"

"Yamanaka? No way!"

I just ignored them. People have been saying stuff like that all morning since Sora and I left for school.

'What's going on??' I sighed and kept walking.

"Mina!!" I turned around and saw Cana rushing towards me with a scared expression on her face.

"What's wrong?!" I asked. Cana held out a magazine for me and I took it.

"Look at this!" she pointed to the top of the first page.

It read, "Princess Mako found??"

Below it, it had a picture of me getting out of the family's private helicopter. Everyone else's faces were blurred out.

I slouched against the lockers behind me and slid down to the ground. "What am I gonna dooo..." I mumbled.

"You can always make up a lie about it," Cana suggested.

I looked up at her with a sad look in my eyes. "That's not gonna work. This picture looks exactly like me. It's not even that blurry..." I brought my knees up and buried my face in them.

After school

People have been asking me if I was Princess Mako all day. I ignored them of course though.

I walked around outside of the school aimlessly. Sora was in another student council meeting, so I had to pass the time.

I was about to turn a corner when I heard a voice. And I don't mean a teenager's voice. I mean like maybe a 50 or 60 year old's voice. I crouched down at the wall and peered around the corner. There I saw a middle aged man and Sora's back. The man looked slightly like Sora.

"So this is where you've been hiding all this time, huh?" the man growled.

Moments passed and Sora didn't say a word. 'Does he not like this man or something?' I wondered.

"So, how's life all on your own? Got a girlfriend? Any scholarships for Harvard? Tch, and friends at ALL?" the man continued.

Moments passed, and still, no reply from Sora.

"Ignoring me, huh?" he reached out in front and grabbed Sora by his collar. He pushed him against the brick wall of the school with great power. I was standing a good 20 feet away, yet I could still hear the impact.

This got me mad. And what made me even more enraged was that Sora didn't even move one bit.


"Why should I?" Sora asked bluntly.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe because I'm your father and I haven't seen you since you ran away? Madeline has been devastated since you left y'know."

If I had any water, or anything in my mouth for that matter, no doubt would I have taken a spit-take. 'Did he say 'father'???? And Sora ran away??'

"I ran away because of you, Dad. And to answer your questions, yes, I have an amazing girlfriend. No, I haven't gotten and scholarships to Harvard. And yes, I have plenty of friends," Sora said with no expression in his voice.

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