Prologue (The First Time We Talked)

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The first time we talked:

Walking home with tired feet from the last day of school for the year which was long and highly uneventful, I grab out my phone to check my Tumblr. Tumblr is a social media site which is where you can create a blog, usually photographic ones, and you are able to re-blog other peoples photos onto your blog in order to gain more followers. I don’t really care about the followers, to be honest; I just love finding great pictures, funny quotes, uploading and sharing my photos, and meeting strange people like myself. Plus, it is a great way to waste time when doing my gruelling trek from home to school and back again.

Checking my activity is where I find out who has started following me, re-blogged, or liked any of my photographs that I take when inspiration strikes me. I notice I have one new follower and decide to check their blog out. They have a few random photos, nothing too exciting but I follow them back anyway.  Since I have nothing else to do I decide to strike up a conversation with them by sending them a message.

“Hey there, thanks for following me. Hope you enjoy my blog :) All photos I take myself.”

Not expecting an instant reply or even a reply at all, I casually flick through other websites and text people until I finally arrive home to an empty house. Mum will be at work till 7 and I figure Dad and Mason, my four year old brother, are out doing something like they usually do. Heading straight for my room I kick off my shoes and dump my bag on the floor as soon as I enter giving my light and computer a quick switch to turn them on. As I wait for my computer to turn on I chose to head outside and play with our dog, Rick, for a little bit.

We bought Rick about 6 months ago, when he was just a puppy and Mason named him after some TV show he watched. After months of having Rick he doesn’t love us any less, he still gets super excited when he let him inside, it is quite funny actually. He is just a small Maltese cross Shih Tzu who loves to step under your feet when you’re not expecting it.

After playing with Rick, and doing most of my homework Dad and Mason finally arrive home. They said they went out to the park and visited my nanna today. Dad is great like that, always taking Mason places while mum works as a nurse at the local hospital. Dad enjoys spending time with Mason and taking control of all the household duties.

Finally I get on to the old, slow computer and wait for Facebook to open. Interested in everybody’s lives I sit on there for about an hour. My friends start making plans for the holidays, including me, but I know I won’t want to join it, what they plan is usually things that bore me… Like shopping, egh. I guess you could call my friends and I not very close, I do hang out with them at school and talk to them yet we have almost nothing in common and I don’t trust them enough to confide in them like most people do with their friends. I use to have friends like that

 You see, I only moved here, Bayview, a year ago which meant I had to leave behind all the people I was close with except mum, dad, Mason, and my nanna and granddad who already lived here. Although it is only a few hours away from where I use to live I really do not enjoy Bayview. It is way too boring for my liking although there is a beach that’s about it. Guess that’s why I made a tumblr account. Only plus side to this town is the great scenery, oh and that everything is in walking distance.

Speaking of Tumblr, I notice I have one new reply. The message is from the boy earlier. It reads: “Hey! Loving your blog. And thanks for following me back. What kind of camera do you use and what do you edit your pictures with? Wish I was talented enough to take great photos like that. My name is Cooper, by the way.”

Little did I know this was the start of a something new… a relationship, and a little heartbreak along the way with an unknown ending.


New story which I have planned and have a few chapters written. Lets see how this one is gonna go.

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