Part 1: Chapter 1: Intro

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Jacob Largwen, a 23 year old male, has just been ordained a deacon. Today is his first day of serving at Our Lady of Lady's church. The priest, Peter Mesten, 26 years old, has been a priest for less than a year now. They both think that God has called them to Priesthood, but they might be wrong.

Jacob Largwen was raised in a religious/catholic environment. His mother was a nun and father was a priest, until they met each other and noticed that God's message for them was to raise a holy family. His parents have raised him into a very formal and mature man. Because his parents were also strict, he has never had a romantic relationship with anyone. God, family and friends were his love. And he devoted his future to God and the church. (Fun fact: He's somehow related to Pope Francis).

Peter Mesten was born into a poor family. His mother gave birth to Peter when she was 17 years old. She was living on well fare because unfortunately, she got raped and pregnant, and refused to get an abortion. She was very nice, accepting, and supportive to Peter. She worked so hard to support Peter going to a catholic school that she kept overworking herself, which constantly sent her to the hospital. Whenever she was around Peter, she was herself. But when she was by herself, she would mumble about something like this: "If I just c-could've.... could've fought back...." Or "No... No... I l-love my child . A-and..." Then she'd go on mumbling to herself and would start crying. She regrets everything.

Peter decided to devote most of his free time to finding a religion. His mother was atheist, yet was really kind. She let Peter study whatever religion he wanted to. So he decided to study Christianity and become baptized in a catholic church. He went to a catholic school, became a deacon and then a priest. His mother died from overwork years before he became a junior of high school. He was 17 at the time, and after she died, he worked part-time everyday. He had no relatives he knew of, so no one could take care of him. So he took care of himself and became independent and responsible. People always asked him how he smiles all the time yet he has been through so much. And his response is always, "Because God has helped me through hard times and that's why I've stayed so confident. Because I believed in myself to do the best I can."

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