cнαρтєя 3

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"Lights out in half an hour. Don't forget to eat and sleep well~, you've got a busy day ahead of you, boys."

Waving to them with glee, you close the door behind you. "It's been a while, hasn't it father? Aren't you happy? I sure am..." Smiling to yourself, you make your way down the never ending halls. Hearing the childish giggles of the children brought a smile to your face. "Hmm, maybe I should check on my schedule? I should have some space tomorrow morning, I'll be able to get to know them better..." Turning left, you enter the steel door. Your office.

Kicking the door closed behind you, you slowly walk to the desk. On top of the desk was a profile for a young boy named Lukas. "Oh...Woopies, I guess I forgot about him...When was the last time I fed him again? Hehe~" Making yourself comfortable in the office chair, you prop your feet up against the the dest and read through.

"So he kept saying he was seeing non-exsitent people? That's pretty easy, just leave him alone. He'll sort  it out himself..." Eyes glancing up at the large picture frame, you let out a small laugh. "Do you remember? Of course you do, I was your favourite after all..."

"F-Father why are you doing this?! It hurts, STOP!!!"

I was raised in a asylum. I was one of the many children my daddy had won custody over. He does a lot of terrible things but nothing will stop me from loving him. No matter how foul he acts towards us I know that I should be grateful for the life I have been given. It feels like a blessing to be given as much attention as I want.

Their screams have become something beautiful to listen to, as strange as it may sound. Father always tells me that sacrifices need to be made in order to have the world turn. I'm too special to be sacrificed though, I can tell by the way he looks at me.  I can tell by the way he acts towards me. 

Daddy does fun things downstairs but I can never go. It's not fair, I'm jealous of my brothers and sisters. When I ask them what they do they just smile. They have bruises too. It looks fun when they compare scars. Why can't I have one too?

Sleeping is hard. Father says that insomnia is just because of stress. I'm not stressed. I just want you to love me like you do the others. Why don't you invite me to the teaparties down stairs?! I bet it's fun..Hey, play with me too...

But he is getting older. He is no longer able to walk on his own two feet anymore. Children are going missing too. But where do they go? We've already been told to not leave. These terrible people trying to leave a wonderful man such as father. It's unforgivable. 

"You taught me so many things back then..." Sighing in content, you lean down to open the middle draw, pulling out a dairy . You would write in this diary if you needed some time on your own, if the patients were giving you a hard time and when important events were coming.

Flicking to a bookmarked page, your eyes scan the page. Nodding at the free space, you take your legs off the table and walk towards the cupboard full of small snacks. "Lukas might be happy to see me...I'll share just this once..." Closing the cupboard, you walk towards the patience rooms.

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