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Eating a cereal bar, I sit quietly in the back of our cab with Connor. We are meeting Rachel there who managed to sort out the decorations. All we need to do is set up the dance floor where her and Matt will have their moment in the spotlight as husband and wife. I imagine how we will be surrounding them in awe of their pure love and desire for one another; the perfect match. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, the wedding will be just as she wants it. Her amazing wedding. We pull up outside the hall, and I step out with my binder in hand.

"Hey, umm about last night." Connor begins but I interrupt him to avoid the humiliation.

"I said forget about it." I shoot at him before entering the building. How could I be so irresponsible? I should have made sure we were safe. As I am consumed in my negative thoughts, a man walks up to me; the florist. He starts to speak in a heavily Australian accent but luckily I can still understand him.

"Should the flowers go over here or over there?"

"I don't give a shit. I'm sorry. Ask her." I gesture toward Rachel who is chatting to the sound guy. Slightly offended, he shrugs and wanders over to her as I sink onto the nearest chair and put my head in my hands. Suddenly, I feel someone behind me, touching my shoulder. I look up to see Troye standing there with a sympathetic expression. He walks round to sit next to me and sighs.

"You did it didn't you?" He breathes.

"How'd you find out?" I answer, staring in front of me.

"Noises. You're next door to me. I kinda figured." He darts his eyes awkwardly around the room.

"Look, I was stupid. Yes we had sex. Yes I enjoyed it. But the problem is he didn't use a condom. I guess life for me isn't meant to be perfect." I scrunch up my face as I explain my situation while stroking my neck.

"At least you had fun, I suppose. I mean, you weren't limiting yourself; you were living."

"Yeah but I'm ashamed of myself. To be honest, I was a virgin, before last night. I don't want to talk to him right now. It's just ... awkward."

"Do me a favour and put him out of his misery. Connor just wants to know you love him; he wanted you to have a good time. And you did. So, what's the problem?"

"Troye, oh god. You're right." I stand up in an enlightened state. I mull over his words for a bit. "Thanks a bunch." I run off to find Connor leaving Troye smiling like he is the king of the world. After a few seconds, I see him outside by the window in the garden surrounded by numerous bushes and flowers. I grin and sprint outside, much to his surprise, and jump on him causing him to stumble a little. I stare into his eyes and whisper,

"I love you Connor. Thank you." Then, I force my lips onto his and share my love through a passionate kiss. Soon, I am pushed into a wall as his hands creep around my waist. I trace his jawline with my fingertips and every so often breathe with pleasure.

"I didn't think you wanted to talk," he smirks between kisses, "I love you too." Eventually, I break it off because I can see Rach in the corner of my eye. I put my hands in my pockets and Connor straightens his shirt.

"Having fun?" She giggles. "I understand you two, you know, did it." I roll my eyes at the fact that she knows.

"How fast does news travel around here? Anyway, what are you my mum?" I reply sarcastically.

"Troye told me. We saw you do the whole cliche I missed you hug and kiss thing. Even though you'd only been apart for like 5 minutes." We start to walk in as Connor and I hold hands. Rach departs to adjust some flower arrangements but we are told that we can leave if we want.

"Let's talk." I kiss his cheek afterward and lead him into a room off to the side; somewhere private.

"You alright?" He asks with concern but that soon fades when I sit on his lap like a child.

"Well," I begin, "I had fun last night. It was good."

"Me too. I've been thinking, I don't know how I forgot. I mean, I packed them and everything just in case but I still forgot. I'm sorry."

"Oh well. This happens. I guess it's not the end of the world if another little baby comes into the world." I let out a huge breath and inhale slowly, thinking of what my life would be like as a mum.

"First, I suggest we live in the moment. Like we did last night."

"Cool. Alright. Well, everything seems just about ok for tomorrow. Let's head back." He gives me one last peck on the lips before striding out the door. I am left in the room alone to think for a minute. Suppose it's a boy, I'd call it ... Dylan? Yeah, Dylan. Little baby Dylan. Yet it could be a girl. That's gonna have to be an open book. Heck, I may not even be pregnant for all I know.

"Come on Lia!" I hear a gentle shout coming from Connor. I reach for my binder and bag before walking out of the room with a fresh mindset.


Hey, I really want something to happen soon.

Idk if it's gonna be dramatic, sweet, sad or what but it's coming.

Anyway, I'm skipping the wedding because nothing exciting will take place.

Also, Rach and Matt aren't main characters so I don't think it's necessary to surround a plot around them.

The next chapter will start like a few months later so I can get further on in the story.

Hope you enjoyed and remember to vote up!

Stay awesome my little Common Culture Beans!!


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