Chapter 8.1: Ambushed

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She awoke to the sensation of her legs entwined with someone else's and an unfamiliar hand cupping her ass. She cracked her eyes open and found herself staring at a very male chest. That's when it all came back to her. She was sleeping in Vincent's bed—in his arms. While they had slept, their limbs had become tangled, and now she was practically draped over him.

She slowly pushed herself up on an elbow to look down at his sleeping form. He looked at peace, his face no longer harsh angles but relaxed. She wanted to stay in bed with him. She wanted to trace his scars and learn the stories behind every single one of them but she couldn't. She wasn't sure what time it was, but it was obviously late. She had more work to complete and a list to send back out to Sam. She sighed heavily as she wiggled her way out of Vincent's grasp, and that's when she smelled it: The sweet, tangy smell of blood—and lots of it.

She stopped caring if she woke him and ripped herself out of his arms. She leaped out of the bed and dashed up the stairs in a blind panic. Kieran had been alone while they slept. The only thing that kept running though her mind was that he had been attacked and killed while she slept in safety. She needed to see him as much as she needed her next breath. She went to open throw open the door but found it was barricaded. Panic spiked in her.

"Kieran!" She pounded on the door and kicked at it as she fought to open it. "Kieran, let me out! Let me out now!" She prayed that he was on the other side listening to her.

The door slowly swung open and light flooded the stairs. Her eyes watered at the sting of the sun, and she was forced to blink repeatedly to clear them. When she was finally able to see, Kieran stood in front of her. He was covered in blood from his cap, which was so drenched, it was running tiny rivulets of blood down his face, to his boots that were covered in gore. She leaped at him, ignoring the blood, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she held on for dear life.

"It's okay," he cooed, fussing as he ran soothing hands up and down her back. "I am okay, only a few cuts and bruises."

She pulled away and looked at him closely. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Yes. They fared much worse." He waved a hand to the bodies lying in various degrees of mutilation throughout the house. It reeked of blood and death, a stench that would never fully leave.

She let go of him slowly and dropped down to the ground. She took her time examining him and discovered that he hadn't lied to her. He had superficial cuts for the most part. One or two would need to be looked at due to the depth and festering that was already occurring. Once she assured herself that he was going to be fine, she got to work.

She walked from body to body, kneeling in their blood so she could closely examine their identities. Most were peons of one Seelie Fae or another. There were no nobles in the mix of bodies, but that didn't surprise her. The Seelie nobles were a pompous lot who loved to think that there was no blood on their hands. They were as dirty as the Unseelie Court but loved to play the victim.

She kicked a severed hand away as she moved back over to Kieran, disgusted at the waste of life. "Did you leave anyone alive?"

"One, Seelie gnome. Vicious little bastard bit me on the leg, so I kicked him." He pointed across the hallway, where there was a giant round hole in the wall and a little green pointed cap beside it. "I've stashed him in the library and the last I checked, he was still out."

"Call Sam and inform her what has happened. I'm going to question our little guest. Do not interrupt, I'll be using illusions."


The next part will be released on Friday March 18, 2016. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

Hidden In Shadows, A Fae and Vampire Romance: Shadow Court Chronicles, Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ