Chapter 2.2: Breaking News

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 "It is with great sorrow that I come before you today to announce the loss of many great individuals within both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts." Almost immediately, reporters began to fire questions rapidly at him but he ignored them and continued to speak over them. "An unfortunate coup has thinned our numbers greatly and with a heavy heart, I have been forced to take up the crown of the Seelie Court."

"Heavy heart, my ass, you conniving bastard," she snarled at him even though he couldn't hear her.

"Who did it?" a reporter asked from within the writhing mass of leeches that attempted to masquerade as caring humans.

He coughed as if he were uncomfortable divulging the information, but she knew better. She could see through his ploy. She knew now what kind of man he truly was. He was a master at political manipulation, and it was obvious he was far from done. He had a willing audience in front of him asking to be manipulated, and he wasn't going to let them go until they saw things his way.

"As this is an ongoing investigation, that is information I have been asked not to divulge by law enforcement officials. But I would like to take this moment to ask that my wife, Lyssandra, heir to the Unseelie Court, please turn herself in. She is currently missing, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to my loving wife."

If she had had something in her hands, she would have thrown it angrily at the television. That bastard had just single-handedly made her the most sought after person on the entire planet. "Oh, nicely done. Now they are going to automatically assume that I had something to do with the coup." She gnashed her teeth in pure frustration. She was going to have to step up her game if she planned to survive and take him out. One of them had to meet death's sweet embrace because neither one could now stand the thought of the other actually living.

"It would also be appropriate for her to come back so she may put her parents and siblings to rest and take care of her youngest brother, who is currently residing in my home."

Shock crashed down on her in waves making it difficult, damn near impossible, to breathe. She gasped as she fought to clear her vision of tears that sat stubbornly in her eyes, refusing to fall just yet. He had...he had wiped out her entire family. He wasn't happy just having the Seelie crown, he wanted both and had killed for it. He may not have physically killed them himself, but she knew that he had been the one who had orchestrated their deaths. They were gone. Her baby brother was in the hands of a sadistic freak.

"NO!" The words were ripped from the darkest spot in her heart. The tears finally began to cascade freely down her face as she fought to control the torrent of emotions battling in her. The pain was overwhelming her. "It's not possible," she hiccupped. "I'll kill the bastard." She went to shove off the bed, but strong arms were wrapped around her and pulling her close. "Let me go."

She struggled and fought the hold for her freedom. She needed to be free. She needed to end this pain that was clawing at her heart and the only way to do it was to kill the man who caused it. The more she fought, the more the arms around her tightened.

"Let me go!" she screamed. "Let me go. I need to be let go. I need to kill him. Don't you see that? Just let me go," she sobbed out. "Please."

"No, little Lyss," Kieran's familiar voice rumbled into her ear. "Not now. Not when you are so gone with grief. We will take care of him." He stroked her hair with slow, soothing strokes. "But now, you need rest. It will help ease the pain and your mind."

"I can't sleep," she sobbed into his chest. "I don't want to." She was going into hysterics, and there was no stopping it even if she wanted to. The pain was too massive for her to simply push aside and ignore.

"I don't care what you want right now. You will sleep."

She was so wrapped up in her pain that she didn't even feel him use a compulsion until it was far too late to stop him. She fell into the dark abyss of sleep, fighting it the entire way. She was too weak to do anything but make fumbling attempts to claw her way out. In the end, it was a useless battle, and she was asleep in a few short minutes.


The next part will be released on Thursday December 10, 2015. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

Hidden In Shadows, A Fae and Vampire Romance: Shadow Court Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now