The last days of school

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March 9, 2016. I got there at 7:52 am and I wasn't in formal attire yet because I was exhausted from running. But then he came at around 8 am to notify us to change clothes and...we didn't.

But he somehow understood why.

Probably it was because we waited for the others to come.

But still, we ran on our way to the restroom to change. Of course, it was embarrassing to see myself in a dress unless it was a special event like the Christmas party. But at least we somehow made it, except for one.


He was late, he had no formal attire with him, and he hadn't submitted a resume to Jam. So of course, Jammy was angry at him for not following the rules for the exam.

But despite that, we all had fun on the last part of the exam. We were paired up with our senpais-the Fourth Year students-for the first time. I was happy because we haven't got the chance to do the overnight and I'm somehow sad because we will not be with them until that very day. It was sad, but still he made that last part spontaneous since the mechanics are simple. You will be asked by him a random question and of course, you have to answer that and the 'asking for further assistance' follows and then the closing spiel. It was fun because some of us got asked some love-related questions like "Have you experienced falling in love with your bestfriend?" or "Which do you prefer, fame or love?"

Well, that's how it goes.

Then came March 15. Tuesday. We had almost finished the seminar when I saw him at the back part of the room. He was dressed in a long-sleeve checkered shirt, slacks and black shoes. I was surprised to see him in that because I didn't even saw him once wear that kind of formal attire. So I went there immediately after the seminar and asked where was he going. He answered nothing, so it seems like he was where he is.

Right in this very school, where his heart is.

But I asked him to read this chapter, yet he said he was not in the mood to read it, so I felt sad for myself. Who wouldn't be sad if the subject of the novel wouldn't read an author's interpretation of him in his own words?

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