Chapter 26.1 - Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

"We'll need a north-eastern direction, then." Jimmy drew a triangle on the map to calculate the distance between the camp and their flag.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jerry asked, looking over their heads.

"You should stay here and make sure Angie and Christine don't know what we're up to," Jessie said. "You can't leave Tina alone."

"She'd be with Alice."

Jessie gritted her teeth. "You should stay."

"Done." Jimmy put the pencil behind his ear and gathered up the map. "Jessie's right. Kyle and Kay could come back."

Jerry didn't argue any further and just waved goodbye to Jimmy and Jessie as they made their way through the vegetation, towards their flag.

They didn't talk much. Worry about Kyle was eating Jessie and she guessed Jimmy felt the same. She didn't even pay attention properly to the route since Jimmy was leading. She kept playing with the cuffs of Kyle's shirt, wishing nothing would happen to him. He was her best friend, the only one she'd ever had.

"Okay, this could be a problem," Jimmy said and Jessie snapped out of her reverie. They had reached the river, but there was no way to cross it.

"Which way do we have to go?" Jessie asked "Right or left?"

"Right. And we should find a place to cross pretty soon." He sounded worried and it made her feel even worse. If they had to turn around and go back the way they came the other day, it would be all her fault.

"Look at that," Jimmy said, pointing further up the river. A few rocks and a rundown tree were in perfect position to form a sort of bridge. "We can try crossing through there."

Jessie followed him as he rushed that way and stopped on the bank. He stepped back to get some momentum and jumped on the first rock. Jessie bit her lip, not sure if she could make the jump.

"Come on. I'll catch you." He motioned her to try it.

She swallowed heavily, took a few steps back then ran and jumped as far as she could. One foot touched the rock, but the other couldn't. She flung her arms in the air, trying to balance herself, but Jimmy grabbed her around the waist and pulled her on the rock.

"See, it wasn't that bad." He grinned still holding her.

Jessie tried not to giggle. "You could have grabbed my hand, you know."

Jimmy flushed and immediately let go. "I'll keep that in mind."

"You have no sense of humor," Jessie said, rolling her eyes.

He gave her a crooked smile then made his way onto the next rock. She followed him and they moved from rock to rock until they reached the tree. They were just past the middle of the river. The hem of Jessie's jeans was already wet as drops of water assaulted them from all directions.

Jimmy eyed the tree carefully. "I should go first."

"You're such a gentleman."

"I'm heavier. If it can support me, it will surely support you too, squirt."

Jessie put her hands on her hips. "Squirt?"

He sighed. "Fine. Sexy squirt." He jumped on the tree before she could answer.

She watched him making his way along it, trying to keep the grin off her face. She should be serious and concentrate on their task, not the mindless flirting. But she didn't want to start worrying again.

Once Jimmy reached the middle of the tree, she climbed on and scurried after him. She couldn't wait to reach solid ground again. They were almost there, just a few more steps.

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