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Waddup you guys!!!! This is the 2nd chapter of Blood, Fangs, and Other Stuff!!!! ENJOY!!!!!
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I woke up in bed next to Zac. The light coming through the window gave me a perfect lighting for a selfie, but I feel like this was a bad time to take one right now. The light hit Zac beautifully too. His eyes closed, showing how long his eyelashes really were. His mouth was slightly opened and his hair all messed up. He looked absolutely adorable. My eyes then trailed down to his bare chest. Man, would you look at those abs! Those are so BEAUTIFUL!!! My fingers soon made contact with one of his pecks. Little did I know that I would accidentally shock him. He jerked his body and his eyes were immediately opened. Oh shit oh shit oh shitty shit shit!!!!!! This got REEEEAAAAALLLLLY awkward.
"Did you just touch me? When I was asleep?" He had that 'what the fuck' look on him.
"Uhhh no? This is all a dreeeaaaam. Now go back to sleep."
"You did didn't you? What the fuck?" He lifted himself up and put his weight into his right elbow.
"Okay fine. I'll admit that I touched you alright? But it was an accident."
"Accident my ass. You touched me because you were checkin' me out." I didn't want to admit that part to him.
"You know what? I'm just gonna go now. Have a wonderful life." I was making my way to the door when I didn't see the wall that made contact with my face. Ouch.
"Oh gosh, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Pain is what makes us human." Wait. Is he even human? I mean according to what I saw last night, he didn't seem so human to me. However, I didn't really wanna ask any questions and get all personal so I just kept my mouth shut.
"Uh yeah. I better get going." I turned around and this time missed the wall and through the door. Out of my 18 years of life, I have never been this embarrassed.
I made my way to Jesse's house to pick up my jacket.
I got to the front door and was about to knock, but I remembered that she's my blff (best lesbian friend forever) and I don't need to knock. I could just barge in. I turned the door knob and unfortunately it was locked. I put my hand into the pot that was holding a fake plant next to her door and reached for the spare keys.
I stuck the key in and turned it. When I opened the door, I saw Jessy and her date both naked on the couch. On top of my jacket. Gross. I slowing reached for my jacket and pulled it out to find that it was warm and smelled like sex. Ew. I think I'm just gonna burn this jacket.
I went into my butt pocket of my pants for my phone and a piece of paper dropped. I picked it up from the floor and unraveled it. 'Thanks for stitching me up. Zac.' When did he put this in my pants? And how did he put it there? Hmm. Interesting.
"Oh hey." Jesse woke up from her slumber. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms. "What are you doing here so damn early?"
"I left my jacket here last night."
"Oh. Okay. Well bye."
"What? I just got here and you're kicking me out again? Seriously?!" Jesse's date woke up and stared directly at me.
"Shut up" she went back to sleep afterwards.
Bruh. I didn't want to fight back so I just left it like that. I walked out the door and started my journey home.
My parents are divorced, but not legally. At least not for 7 weeks. It all started when mom brought her coworker home. I guess you could say that they were "friends with benefits". Dad soon found out and things went downhill from there. Since dad's still looking for apartments, he's been staying with us and sleeping in the basement. I call home hell because there's never one day that mom and dad won't fight. I just want it to be like back then again. Where dad would teach me how to fix a car if one ever broke down, or when mom would make these amazing chocolate cakes for dessert. Now that will never happen again.
I arrived in front of my house and could already hear yelling coming from the inside. There was glass breaking too. I opened the door and saw mom and dad screaming at each other.
"WHY DID I EVER THINK THAT MARRYING YOU WAS A GOOD IDEA!" Dad screamed on the top of his lungs. I got pretty used to this by now. When they fought, I'd just go up to my room, put on some headphones, and turn the volume as high as it can go.
It's been like this for about 3 and a half years now. At first mom and dad thought that they could pull through this and went to couples therapy. It went on  for a good solid year. They stopped going afterwards because they said that it "didn't help". Then they tried acting like it didn't happen for another year, and finally they've decided that it would be best for them if they went separate ways. I've been debating with myself if I want to live with mom or if I want to live with dad.
I started to get hungry and went downstairs to check the fridge for food. Unfortunately, all we had was a stick of butter and an expired slice of cheese. I'll just go out and get some food. I went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered fried dumplings and a plate of shrimp dim sum. As I was walking out with my food, I almost bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Zac. Is he stalking me?
"Oh hey." Zac had a friendly smile plastered on his face even though it looked force.
"Hey what are you doing here?" Obviously getting food, dumbass. Why did I ask such a stupid question?!
"Just getting some food. Since my friend works here, I could get my food for free."
"Well aren't you lucky?"
"I guess." He shrugged.
"I should get going."
"Oh well then I'll see you whenever we bump into each other?"
"Yeah." I gave him a smile and walked away.

When I got home, I ran to my bedroom and turned on my laptop. I searched for supernatural creatures with fangs. I have to know what he is.

Hey guys!!!! Hope you liked this chapter! If you did, don't forget to vote and follow!!! Have a wonderful day!!

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