She just nodded to him. She definitely knows how his father feels.

That waiting. Waiting for some time unknown. Waiting for someone you didn't know if they will ever return.

Her couple of years waiting for Yusuke is nothing compared to 700 years of his ancestor waiting for his beloved. But the number doesn't really matter.

Its the feeling. Uncertainty. And all those feeling that drowned her deep, with only her trust in him that he will return held on to her to pull her out.

"You wouldn't call off the engagement just to try it out with someone else right?"

Keiko straightened up after that. She didn't quite heard the context of what he said. And after another run-through in her mind she couldn't fight the giggles that was heard even within the house.

"Hey? What's funny?!? Keiko?!" Yusuke tried to understand where her amusement came from.

By that time a face of the backyard has started to swirl but the couple doesn't seem to mind. Keiko's feminine giggles and Yusuke's irritated questioning still occupied the area.

A man dressed in Tourin monk robe step out of the swirl, but the couple in front of him still hasn't notice. The monk could just stare at them. He could tell from his master's voice that he was irritated. And that's a sign not to bother him in anything he's doing. But... surprisingly, the lady is still giggling in close presence of his master.

"Comeback much later and you'll know the answer to that." Keiko replied. She overcame her giggles, but the traces of it is still in her eyes. Its comforting to know that he worries such things.

Yusuke continued his ramblings. But Keiko was not affected.

Master Genkai and the rest of his guests all came out to figure what Yusuke's mouth is running all about. They got to catch Yusuke, looking problematic in stance while Keiko in her crescent profile shows she's delighted.

And add to that the monk staring at them.

"Yusuke, when will you acknowledge your aide? Will you just let him grow roots in that spot waiting for you?" Master Genkai reprimanded Yusuke.

"Wait a sec, I'm still dealing with Keiko... Common...-" Yusuke still continuing on.

Keiko finally noticing the man, gave him a bow in greeting which she received in return, but Yusuke tried to occupy her attention.

Kurama and Hiei moved closer toward the monk. The monk, still mystified by his master, doesn't know how to react at the moment. After recognizing them, his stare returned back to his master then back to the two demons.

Kurama just expressed an amused expression.

"PUUUUU!!!" Yusuke called on to his spirit beast. The humongous bird came out from the house. Master Genkai and the rest needed to make way for the bird for it to fly to Yusuke.

"Puu, can't you return to a stuff-toy-bag-key-chain again? This lady needs some company you know, to swat all those leech." Yusuke encasing Puu's head in his palms. The bird could only gave him an apologetic expression.

"Oh comm-",

"You should go now. The monk has been standing there for while. Puu, his baggage pls." Keiko commanded. The bird has Yusuke's travel bag clipped in its beak. Puu slid the strap to his shoulder and caressed Yusuke's head as farewell gesture.

"Where not done yet Keiko. I...."

Keiko rolled her eyes, and shooed him to leave.

Kurama walked into them and braced Yusuke with his arm.

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