"On my way", I said.

I hung up my phone, "we gotta go back to base Dad, Professor Green just called and said there was something serious up."

My Dad simply slid back into his 240 and started back the way we had come. When we got back, I parked the Supra next to the Civic and made a note in my head to add a second turbo before I headed for the broad room taking my assigned seat next to Nina and Mercury. Everyone was here, even the mechanics. Not good, this had to be insane if even the mechanics were here. The two Creatures were sitting on their haunches in the only clear spot, which was at our end of the table. They both had been neatly patched up, looked like they'd had baths and seemed in much better shape than they had been.

"What's going on boss?", Jayden asked.

Morningstar, for the first time since I'd been in this room, sat down, normally he remained standing.

"So much that I don't even know where to begin", Morningstar said, "what we've learned about Blackriver in the past 2 hours has raised more questions than answers."

"Start from the beginning", I said, "one piece at a time."

"Okay", Morningstar said, "professor?"

"The drives Mako and Luke got into were a gold mine", Green stated, "we know Black River is currently focusing their money and man power on three projects, X-01, X-02 and X-03. Our friend Void and his sister Navi here, are the results of the gene compound Black River hired me to stabilize all those years ago, which turned out to be the focus of the X-01 Project, was to create a hybrid of various animals that was expendable. Kill one they send twenty more just like it. However, that doesn't explain the clear differences in their DNA, compared to the final version."

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"The final Version, X-01 1.9.5", Green began, "has almost nothing in common beside that they use the same DNA, a hybrid of a black rat and iguana, as a starting point. Take a really good look at void and Navi, then compare them to this picture."

Green opened a small folder and handed me a picture of the creature we'd fought on the hill. When I compared them side by side, I didn't have to be a genius to notice that Void and his sister were missing the armor plates, spikes and four piece jaw of the final variant of X-01.

"Your right Prof", I said, "there's not much resemblance"

"There's no resemblance", Green said, "at all. In fact, I ran Void and his Sister's DNA through a reference program that compared the two, gene by gene, looking for anything that matched, what I found was very interesting. Their DNA has branched in a completely different direction in every possible way. Void and his sister, when fully grown, could be as big as a black bear as well as stronger, faster and much much smarter than X-01 1.9.5."

"That makes zero sense", I said, "I used to write about DNA mixing all the time, so explain this, when trying to develop a super solider, why would you arrive at a final product that was over all bigger, but suffered in strength, speed, stamina and intelligence?"

"The reasoning behind that is actually straight forward", Green said, "to answer you Ace, I'll ask you, your in World War two and can chose between a Russian T-72, or a German Tiger, which do you take?"

"I take the T-72 because they were faster and lighter than the Tiger and rode on 5 speed transmissions as opposed to the German's 4, which means I get better fuel economy and can go for longer distance."

"Exactly", Green said, "now if we stay with this analogy, Void and Navi are what we'll call Tiger Mk4's, faster, lighter, harder hitting and much more perserverant than X-01 1.9.5, however, where they suffer is that Black River could only produce 4, their parents, and them. X-01 1.9.5 , according to the data, can be grown in batches of 16, implanted via a cheap chip in their brains with everything they need to know and turned loose on Black River's enemies with a single objective."

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