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Hermione's POV

The appointment went well everything is fine with me and the baby. Gosh I will probably never get used to that. Draco and I have spent the rest of the night sitting in our common room cuddling and making small talk. You know those times when you wish you would've just kept your mouth shut? I made that mistake. " Draco what are we going to tell our parents?" He immediately tensed up and moved away from me making a move to stand up before I grabbed his arm to make him stay. "We are not telling my parents anything, as far as they know I'm still going through with-" He was cut short by the floo. The green flames had cleared and I was shocked by who was standing in the fireplace. "Father? What are you doing here?" Draco's cool voice broke the eerie silence. All that was answered was a come hither motion with the elder Malfoy's hand as he and Draco went to Draco's room.

All I could hear for fifteen minutes were incoherent shouts, yells, and things breaking against the walls when suddenly it all stopped. I looked up from where i was perched on the couch with a tear stream going down my face as Draco walked out of his room. He was bloody in the face and his shirt was ripped up at the sleeves. I ran over to him and just as i was about to engulf him in a hug he pushed me away. He just bent down, kissed my stomach, whispered a faint 'i love you', then he turned to me and kissed me full on the lips and flooed away with tears in his eyes.

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