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Chapter Thirty-Two

Two days later

Lola's POV

Night had fallen as we made our way into the truck, climbing over cardboard boxes and bags of unknown objects till we reached an area that had been cleared for us to sit.

"I'll tell you when you need to be silent, the journey is bumpy just warning you now," the gruff voice of the truck driver echoed around the space and all I could do was nod while Harry hugged me tightly for warmth. It was cold inside the vehicle, and the only heat came from Harry and the thick coat that Zayn had given me.

The roar of the engine scared me and I whimpered quietly, terrified of the whole experience.

"Lola, it will be alright," Harry whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting my skin and I shivered slightly. Stroking my hair slowly, I felt myself relax and I laid down with Harry; the cold metal underneath me was uncomfortable but I knew that I couldn't complain- I was being saved from a life under the control of the ruthless people who made me become a Hottix.

Closing my eyes, I tried to fall asleep like Harry (who was breathing heavily next to me) but my brain was alert and every sudden noise made me jolt from fear. A police car raced past the truck at one point and I felt my heart skip a beat, I believed that we had already been caught but thankfully they just drove past us, blasting their sirens loudly.

Hours passed and I was still unable to sleep, the constant movement of the vehicle made it impossible to even think straight- my mind drifted from one idea to next like a race car and I began to feel dizzy from sleep deprivation. I couldn't understand how Harry could stay asleep in such a hostile, cold environment.

"Now you two better stay quiet in there, we're at border control,"the truck driver shouted back to us and I felt goosebumps appear on my arms. We had talked to the driver beforehand who had told us to cover ourselves with boxes and blankets so no one would see us, so when the time came I scrambled around to cover us. Laying perfectly still I noticed that the truck had stopped and I could vaguely hear voices outside.

Suddenly, the back of the truck was opened and light infiltrated the dark space. Biting my hand, I tried to stop myself from screaming or making any noise; I looked over at Harry every few seconds, terrified that he'd wake up and make a noise to alert someone that we were there.

"So what you taking to Barcelona?" I heard an officer ask to the driver and my eyes grew wide at the sound of the place, we hadn't been told where we were going. Spain, that was a surprise.

"Lots of things, a few different companies have asked me to deliver things. Some stationary, some food products and some clothes," the driver didn't sound fazed at all by the questioning; I knew that if I was in his position I would have cracked under the pressure.

"Any other passengers on board?" I heard the officer ask and I took a sharp intake of breath.

"Not any that I know of, I keep this thing sealed shut," a torch was shone inside the body of the vehicle and I closed my eyes tightly, wishing with every fibre of my body that they wouldn't see us.

"All clear in here, I'll just check underneath the vehicle and then you're good to go mate," as they spoke the truck was closed back up and darkness enveloped us again. I couldn't believe how easy it had been, I suppose I had expected the worse.


The sea was calm that day, so the truck didn't move much on the ferry which was a relief as I had terrible sea sickness. Harry had woken up a few minutes after we had gone through border control and we sat in comfortable silence, listening to the sea hit the ship.

"Think, soon we'll be out of this thing and living a new life," Harry whispered, stroking my face lovingly and I smiled despite knowing he couldn't see me.

"I love you," I mumbled, finding his hair and running my hands through it softly; his presence made me feel calm, and suddenly the experience wasn't so scary.

"I love you also," he replied, laying back down on the cold metal and I joined him there, snuggling into his side and nestling my head on his shoulder. He hummed softly and I found my eyelids grow weary from the long day, soon I was fast asleep and my brain was allowed some peace and quiet.

Harry's POV

Lola had fallen asleep quickly and I was left to enjoy the silence by myself; I was not afraid, nothing could scare me more than loosing Lola. I got out my phone and plugged in my headphones so I could listen to some music, it was a way to escape the boredum. As sweet melodies filled my ears I let my body relax and go numb, the only thing I did was listen to the lyrics of the song.

But after an hour or two, I was beginning to get tired of staying in the same place for the whole time- my legs were practically begging me to stand up and walk about. But I was worried that someone would see, ruining the whole plan.

"I need a piss," I whispered to myself and I fumbled around to find the bottle that the driver had given us- it was disgusting but necessary.

Once I was finished I sat again, cross legged staring into the darkness. Think, I told myself, in a few hours you will be in a different country, living a new life with the person you love most in the world. I smiled to myself at the prospect of the new beginning, I was excited to see what the future held.

Soooo they are on their way to Spain! I honestly can't imagine ever being smuggled in a truck, I would end up doing something stupid that would blow my cover.

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