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Chapter Eleven

The Next Day

Lola's POV

My skin was still raw from the night before where I had tried to scrub away the feeling of his hands on my skin. I wanted to kill the fire that has burned inside of me before it had a chance to grow.

When it was 10 am I heard a knock of the door and I jumped up to see who it was, I was going crazy in my own company.

"Brooklyn?" I asked inquisitively, I had been hoping that it would be Harry only because I wanted to talk to him about the night before. What it meant.

"Lola, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me," he had this adorable nervousness in his voice that made me say yes before he had even finished asking me. Giving me a huge grin, he said he would be back in half an hour.

Inside I felt a childish excitement, I was genuinely looking forward to talking with Brooklyn- it was a way to take my mind off Harry. Putting on a pair of jeans and thick jumper, I waited for him to return.

When he did, I couldn't stop smiling; there was something about his presence that calmed me. He made me feel at ease which was a total contradiction to the way I felt with Harry, Harry made me feel on edge.

"I thought we could go this park just down the road, its so beautiful at this time of year," I nodded, not really listening to what he was saying because I was too excited to finally get away from the house, get away from Bella, most importantly get away from Harry. I couldn't develop feelings for him.

"Sounds wonderful," I muttered and Brooklyn gave another grin, I knew he was relishing in the moment.


"And that's how I got my first guitar," he half said, half laughed. We were walking through the park, which was practically empty except a few brave birds that had decided to come out into the bitter cold. I was hugging onto Brooklyn's arm for warm and protection against the strong winds.

I laughed at his little anecdote, we had been sharing information about ourselves which made us realise how much we had in common. My cheeks were bright red, I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from the excessive blushing that I had been doing. He was a gentleman, complementing me and just being lovely in general. So lovely that I almost forgot that he was my master. Almost.

"How are you finding life at the house?" He asked and I knew that my time escaping reality was over.

"Its fine," I mumbled, I didn't want to tell him that I despised each day. That I felt like it was worse than hell.

"I'm sorry that my mum's making you give Harry lessons," I cringed at the thought of Bella telling her son about what I had do.

"You have probably lost all respect for me," I looked away from him as some tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

"Lost respect for my mother," he muttered bitterly and I looked at him puzzled, "I knew that you were never some present for me. She just wanted you for him."

"What are you talking about?" My voice faltered slightly as the lump in my throat grew.

"She admitted to me that she just bought you for Harry, she used me as a scapegoat," I could see some hurt in his eyes, I suppose his mother had just deceived him.

"What does that make Harry to me?"

"Your master," he flinched at the word, like it pained him. I could see he had more to say, that he was dying to tell me something.

"I was worried that this would happen. I thought everything was fine before because as long as I was technically your 'master' then he couldn't hurt you. Now he can do whatever he likes," Brooklyn's concern melted my heart but his words instilled fear into my body, so much so that I began to shake, "Hey, hey Lola. I'll protect you."

I looked at him, in the eyes, and tried to detect any lies but I couldn't find any.

"Promise?" I said between tears, my voice fragmented.

"I promise," he said into my ear, my whole body relaxed at him being so close. He lifted my chin so that I was facing him, "Can I get that kiss that I couldn't get last time?"

I giggled at his terrible flirting and he laughed loudly, the sound bouncing off the trees and into the silent morning air. With a nod from me, he leant in. Slowly, he placed his soft lips on mine and cupped the side of my face with his large hands. It lasted a few seconds and then he let go, smiling like he had just won the lottery.

"You're special Lola," he breathed, and I couldn't resist intertwining our hands.

"You're more special."

Harry's POV

"How was last night?" Bella was making breakfast, but even the smell of bacon couldn't calm my stomach. It hadn't stopped churning since the night before, bad feelings coursing round my body.

"Fine," I mumbled, hoping to avoid the topic. She haunted my nightmares, her body, her lips. I wanted to forget, I didn't want to develop something with her that I would regret.

"What did you do with her?" Bella was so nosey, she always wanted to know everything about everyone.

"We just kissed and she said I didn't need improvement," I was still annoyed at Bella, she had caused me great humiliation.

"Not what I think but I'm not the teacher," I gave her a sarcastic laugh, she could really be a bitch sometimes. She thought she had me round her little finger, that she could say and do whatever she wanted and I would never leave.

"Oh Harry," she turned to face me with gleaming eyes, they looked devious, "Did I ever tell you that Lolaisn'tforBrooklynandyou'rehermaster."

"What was that?" I asked, looking up puzzled.

"I never bought Lola for Brooklyn, she was always for you. Technically you're her Master," I got up from the table disgusted, I knew that Lola was never for Bella's son. I knew that she would always make things about her and me, she would always be testing our 'relationship'.

"I don't want her," I started to shout, it was like the the tipping point for me. Bella had wound and wound me up for the past few weeks until I couldn't stand it anymore.

Grabbing my coat I hurriedly walked towards the door, not turning around to listen to Bella's cries.

"Harry you can't leave me!" She screamed at me, that's what made me stop.

"Bella I'm not leaving you, I just need a walk," I shouted back, I wouldn't just walk out. I couldn't just walk out.

The air was bitterly cold and I hugged my coat around me, I felt instantly more relaxed in the silence. Until I heard two familiar voices nearby; looking up I saw a rosy cheeked Lola holding onto Brooklyn who was laughing loudly. I felt a pang of emotion inside of me. Was it jealousy?

So it was Harry and Lola, then Brooklyn and Lola and now I don't know! Oh its oh so confusing!

Has Bella pushed Harry a bit too far? I guess we'll have to see!

Feedback please and vote if you enjoyed :)

Can I just say that I've been listening to 'Four' for a whole week now and it reminded me how much I will miss the boys over this hiatus. :( and I also found my new favourite song 'Fool's Gold' which really fits someone parts later on in the story ;)


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